
Alright so y'all have probably heard of the problems that the pixel 2xl is having. ITS JUST A SMALL NON PERMENANT SCREEN ISSUE THIS IS NO REASON TO HATE GOOGLE AND USE A DAMN IPHONE!

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    Screen burn-in is non-permanent? O.o

    I'm more annoyed that my non-XL Pixel 2 makes clicking noises when NFC is enabled, and high-pitched whining noises unless the flashlight is on or your finger is touching the screen, and these issues only occur on a subset of devices, all of which came from the same factory, so it's clearly a hardware issue, and Google's support won't replace it because either a) it's going to be fixed by a software patch (probably not possible) or b) it's working as intended


    (should probably have made my own rant tbh)
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    Got my pixel 2 xl yesterday and it's great. I was lurking the issues while waiting for two weeks and I seem to have non.

    Screen is grainy on full white background at night with night shift and dimming but honestly the software experience is perfect.
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    @kylescottw I agree. Nothing beats pure android!
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