I find it unfair how many talented frontend developers get assigned to backend-only/focused positions. This is a sign of bad management that sees developers as code monkeys rather than talent.

  • 0
    It’s nice when it happens to me bc it’s usually a nice mental break
  • 5
    Front end sucks anyway, tell your users to learn curl.
  • 2
    Backend isn’t trivial either and requires a different skill set.
  • 1
    @shovethisrant I see your point there.
  • 2
    Management sees you as resources not code monkeys. If you fail to perform they will know about it one way or another. But if you do pull it off, then your value goes up in their eyes. And keep working like that and soon you will have multiple people's jobs, all to yourselves!! And on a one man salary too!!
  • 1
    @Lensflare I don't think anyone here is implying the opposite.
  • 0
    @c3r38r170 ok maybe I interpreted it incorrectly. But it sounded like backend is something for lesser devs like code monkeys.
  • 0
    Yes, Developer gets associated with code monkey.
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