
Promotions that take ages and end up with no title changes when successful.

Why is it this hard to update a title especially for someone who's been here for 3 years and still has the same title as day 1? And it doesn't seem like Workday is the culprit here.

  • 2
    Job titles are the nice invention for making people crave for more while getting less.

    Stop focusing on a title that is entirely meaningless and bogus.
  • 1
    Cries in title changes with no effect on salary
  • 1
    @electrineer Damn! That sucks even more (especially if you get more responsibilities).
  • 2
    Pretty sure it costs a company nothing to inflate your title

    Get them to inflate it, then claim you made the average salary for that title even though you didn't to the next company as they hire you for that same title

    I'm pretty sure people brigade salary websites with bogus high claims, if not maybe they'll figure it out at some point as that's just the natural progression of these things

    That's how them games be played. I wish they were smarter but they are not.
  • 1
    @jestdotty Exactly. Especially when several other people had theirs updated after some promotions and either started at the same level I did or were at the same level I was when they joined the team.

    It's weird how some higher-ups refer to me with the title I should have (Senior SWE) but on the system, the title is still the same as Grads SWEs.
  • 0
    @jestdotty Yeah, plus the company has that weird promotion cycle that follows quarters so I may need to wait until January to see if I get another salary increase and a more appropriate title 🙃.
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