After my third job rejection I've finally found the answer. It kinda satisfies me...

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    When all else fails...use a Hammer (and create your opportunity)
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    Already depressing even before installing 😥
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    What uses are there for such app? Im truly asking out of ignorance. I mean, it looks like a deepless dark hole to me.
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    @World I had the same thought in my mind. But there was a gap between the two posts in my feed 😂
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    Fuck I need this on iOS. How depressing. iOS, that is just on Android, me.
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    Thank you very much for your comments. Life's despair descended to "painfully tedious" after read you. That app deserves to be awarded. @World your screen capture made my day. Thanks @Condor, is great to have support, but I have to confess that for me is great to be ditched by an IT, instead of a crappy pub. Feels like a (shitty) promotion. Next stop, rejection email from Apple Store.
    Good night everybody from my crying blanket fort.
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