I fucking hate TypeScript

If you're part of the TypeScript cult, go fuck yourself too

  • 7
    Typescript is the only reason that gave me hope its worth working with javascript
  • 4
    Not a JS guy. What's the hate? Is it because of types, strange syntax, or something else?

    Types are dope, and I use Python.
  • 5
    What’s wrong with typescript? It’s a godsend for javascript
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    @dontbeevil exactly the same case for me
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    @nururururu now wait a minute, you go fuck yourself!
  • 3
    I tried coding with TS. But then instead of coding, I was fixing red squiggles.

    Just use jsdoc.
  • 5
    There are two kinds of people who say this.

    One doesn't understand what their program is doing and is upset because they simply don't know the information Typescript forces them to specify

    The other is used to finer tools and upset at problems that likely either descend from JavaScript or emerge from type system design debt.
  • 3
    Actually there's a third, the one who has to integrate with so many external things that if they used a normal language they'd probably still specify property names as arguments to a runtime lookup. There is a level of integration where having to provide type definitions takes more time than it saves. It's pretty high though.
  • 3
    @lorentz why not a fourth - those who use JavaScript with a functional paradigm (what the language is lowkey for). Typescript would still work, but it might get challenging to manage types long term.
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  • 1
    @shovethisrant I use Typescript in the functional paradigm and I mostly only bump into limitations of the type system.
  • 4
    It's good in small amounts but it makes the core unreadable if you overdo it
  • 0
    @ostream it's fine. You're using a browser, literally a piece off software built by Enterprise level companies for interacting with the internet. Infrastructure, that has been built by billion dollar companies.

    If you don't want layers of complexity, start building internet enabled desktop/mobile software and don't use that unnecessary layer, called a browser

    And now shoo
  • 2
    @jsframework9000 I disagree, I think it’s best application is in a large codebase with multiple people working on it. It helps keep the JS somewhat rigid especially if you try to define as many types as you can early in the process
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    @DrPitLazarus I could definitely ditch TS for JsDoc on a side project. With JsDoc you get type checking and intellisense by simply configuring a jsconfig file correctly. But it won’t prevent the code from compiling if something’s wrong. I do like the flexibility it offers though
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