Is kotlin worth coding in? Or is plain Java better? There are many people here coding in kotlin what made you change to kotlin from Java or from anything else? Is there a specific reason? Speed? Stability? Anything? Is it worth using it instead of Java?

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    Can't you code c++ on Android now? I have no idea but that seems like a better choice (but I've never touched mobile dev outside react native)
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    there is absolutely no point in switching from java to kotlin, it was made so that js devs can make actual apps
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    I’ve just played around with Kotlin, but basically it’s kind of like asking should I Program in react.js or JavaScript. I suppose you could start your learning in a framework, but you’d do better to understand the underpinnings.
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    @Dacexi yes you can. And no, it is not a better choice, not because I said so, but there is legit a long ass explanation inside the actual Android developer docs that explain why.
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    You can very well learn Kotlin with no knowledge of Java and be fine with it, in much the same way that you can invest in Clojure and Scala and be fine. But (and this is an important but) the vast majority of JVM libs that you would require have Java dovumentation, Java examples, have been written in Java etc etc. Knowing Java is thus something that you might want to know in order to take advantage of the entire ecosystem. At least to get familiar. After that you can learn any other JVM language that you want. Is it a worthy investment? You bet. Should you learn it? Try it! You might like it! Would it be better if you know Java? Yes. Do you really need to learn Kotlin? Only if you like it :) its efficient and powerful :)
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    I believe it's that Java ownership issue
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    @Dacexi that was always possible with the NDK and isn't something new. Chrome is an example for it. But native android apps are not recommended.
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    @BindView kotlin isn't related to js at all. It adds many features which java is missing, like class properties for example
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    @Dacexi C++ has been officially supported on Android for as long as I know, but as @AleCx04 said: it's not recommended. A majority (if not all of it) of the Android API is written in Java, thus it's easier to also use Java to access it
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