
Yes yes yes ... We all know HTML is not a programming language. Can everybody please stop leaving that as a comment in every single damn rant in this app?!?!?!
Seriously, get over it... I wonder where you would all be of there was no HTML.

  • 4
    Finally, Thank you !!!!
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    GIARFFS? Giraffes?
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    @irene I would debate calling it a markup language... That minifies it's importance.
    It is a data structure language and is just as important if not more important than the structure of the back end code that drives it.

    So sick of developers who don't think the UI of an application is important
  • 7
    jesus. we know. clearly, css is the only programming language on the web.
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    Html is Turing complete right?
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    Well <H1><\H1> tag can be looked as a function which takes params & displays them as headings. It alters the way they are displayed so technically yes. But the functions(yeah yeah Tags) are limited & it isn't meant to do what 'we think' a normal programming language does & that's where the debate is.
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    @-psr good perspective
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    You can make a rule 110 automaton in HTML+CSS https://jsfiddle.net/Camilo/eQyBa/
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    Someone had to say this, I was wondering if it was just me that saw intense hatred for poor html.
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    @oscarascal not sure it that is a thing... But Everytime someone in my office says something stupid, I will loudly say "Giraffes!!!!!!". Thanks for that.
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    @itsnameless Exactly! , whereas JavaScript is a class-less language. Good point 👍
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    @lewdogg there is no such thing as a debate in regards to calling it a markup language....it IS a markup language, shit its even in the name hyper text MARKUP LANGUAGE.
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    Those last 7 lines are coincidentally exactly how my HTML pages look when I try to write my own CSS.
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    @AleCx04 are you saying a markup language cannot be a programming language?
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    @calmyourtities actually no, if you read my comment I did not make any mention regarding it being a programming language or not, I mentioned that calling it a markup language is not a matter of debate....it IS a markup language.
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    @AleCx04 tl;dr your response
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    @AleCx04 idk, good question. have you ever considered becoming a philosopher
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    Of course it is NOT a programming language. Duh?
    And I am a back end developer as well... My rant is about how certain devs make remarks about how it is of little value and that anyone can do it.

    Guess what... If that was true, your asses wouldn't need anyone cleaning up the jumbled up broken html you fuckups keep producing because you don't give a shit.

    Same is true for the idiots who think frontend should come second. News flash... The clients don't care about your code, they care about what it looks like.
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    Worked and work with BE Devs who mention this and how HTML and CSS is easy, but who's pull requests get rejected based on shoddy mark up and way off the mark in terms of standards? Not mine 😂 Not to mention the abuse of using ID's for reusable styles and JS electors.
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    Hey guys, did you know that HTML is no programming language? Just saying ...
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    Html isn't a programming language
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    Lol. Arguably knowledge of front end is equally important though requiring completely different perspectives when compared to the backend. It's not easy developing front end. Tbh whenever I try, I always find it lacking and off... You really need to think to appeal to the masses.
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