Search - "roof cleaning"
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    In reference to Berkmann18's complaints about his flat.

    1. found a business that does apartment listings in the style of social media.

    2. focus on helping people find less-shit room mates. Like yelp, but for assholes.

    3. make your money on helping millennials and gen-z manage and automate rental payments, because both those generations HATE having to look people in the eyes, having to ask for money, or anything involving negotiation. Automate the pain, monetize their avoidance habits.

    4. Dashboard for splitting bills, handling rental and sub-let agreements, and divying up rental payments.

    5. Get paid by geolocated advertisers for small business services, e.x. roof repair, plumbing, lawn mowing, pool cleaning, etc.

    6. That positions you to do strategic partnerships with companies that provide platforms for small business providers, like angieslist.

    Had this idea a while back but pursuing something else and just wanted to put it out there for people more capable than me. Lot of great developers out there that beat around for good ideas, and then there are a lot of people with good ideas who don't have the skills to implement.

    Call it flattmates, or snagahome, or something like that.

    On the offchance anyone decides to go for it, and you get funded, hire me to do grunt work, thats all the thanks I want.

    Also I accept payment in blowjobs and beer.