not sure why, but you tend to appear on google search "devrant". i thought it was a random user each time when i first saw it... tried on different devices/ips... 80% of them, you showed up.

are you aware of this?
anyone else have similar, or totally different, insight on this?

though it was different IPs, i should mention that they were all on the same subnet... not local, public IPv4 /28 subnet

  • 6
    That’s bc @netikras is the man
  • 2
    that's interesting...
  • 3
    @netikras clearly you are synonymous with devRant as a whole. Lol
  • 1
    @netikras your devices showing up with you would make sense... it's all the others that don't lol
  • 3
    He's among the few who actually post dev related stuff
  • 3
    @electrineer oh im very familiar with his posts... and the general low bar of dev posts on devRant.

    My main curiousity is "how?" devrant google searches put him at the top.

    But seriously, the bar is so low that b2plane, the ihateframeworks guy who keeps using his "13 years" as a validation, yet doesnt know basic shit... and whatever ostream is going by... is the current par.
  • 0
    Netikras is still active here, has been here for a while since 2018, and has a ton of points. He checks all those boxes. So maybe that’s what’s being picked up. There are others that have more points than him and registered earlier but they haven’t had much recent activity here. I know i won’t be seeing my user handle anytime soon, but that’s probably a good thing. I don’t want to be found out here
  • 0
    @fruitfcker possibly... but that's assuming they have some quality metrics beyond my understanding (which, frankly, is quite vast... mass data extrapolations is my preferred field).
  • 1
    @fruitfcker thing is I’m not sure how they are measuring post quality on a not so well known place like devrant. They can go off number of upvotes but there are other members who have a lot more than netikras. They would have to define what a good post here is supposed to be made of
  • 1
    I just tried looking my name up and I'm happy to report google thinks I'm a butterfly. Cool because I like them
  • 0
    @netikras ar tu tikras?
  • 1
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