Transparant background on a terminal window or not. What do you guys think?

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    The only problem I have with transparency is when the background is not blurred. Then, when it's too transparent, background can be a little bit annoying. Not sure if blur can be achieved behind the terminal tho =o
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    It gets hard to read when the background isn't a solid color.
  • 6
    Not all the way transparent but on certain degree I love it, like 50-60℅ max
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    @Totchinuko maybe I can blur the background I have to check. But yes it's get annoying when there are a lot stuff behind the terminal window
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    @theCreativeOne I know it's possible in Cinnamon (it's the desktop I use) to blur theme elements by adding some plugin and modifying the theme css, but I don't think it can apply on the terminal, and it's definitely not my area of expertise. Anyway, let me know if you find anything about that =)
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    If I make a terminal, I'll try to implement a blurred background 😉
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    A compositor like compton can blur a window's background, from the terminal's side AFAIK this isn't possible. I personally like my windows opaque while focused and just slightly transparent when not in focus.
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    @coolq I did some digging about desktop composition sometime ago, and I think I'm out of luck if I keep cinnamon.
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    Ahhh darn, good luck though 😉
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    Um.. fuck yeah
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    @coolq Oh well, I just ditched Cinnamon for plasma 5
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    Never Hearn of plasma 5? Is it good?
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    @coolq its how they call KDE desktop these days.
    From what I heard it rely a lot on the gpu. It's mostly a Qt desktop but they did some amazing integration for gtk apps. People complains about instability but it mostly happens when shipped with old Qt versions or bad drivers. So far I had quite some fun with it, with all the effects and theme their is 😊. Blur on the terminal don't work out of the box, but adding a small piece of code in bashrc fix all that.
  • 1
    Ahhh, thank you!
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