
Now, that's an edge case

  • 5
    That's crazy xD
  • 8
    @avitron I read about this bug getting reported when somebody rapidly changed the surrounding temperature of iPhone X. Didn't expect that they will be add that into their update message..
  • 4
    @github So, a temperature sensor issue? I don't know what else to think of 😅
  • 27
    So yeah.. I casually chilled with my phone in Finland on top of some mountain inside a sauna and when I finished dropped of into the snow using my iPhone X hoping to pump it out to my boys on snapchat but couldn't because the screen won't respond.
    I want my money back?
  • 7
    @Kimmax Step 4: PROFIT??
  • 6
    It's not an edge case. It used to happen if you came out of your cozy home during snowy winter, the touch would become unresponsive for a minute or two.
    That's going to be really common with winter setting in.
  • 2
    Imagine the end to end test that needs to be developed for this case. Put iPhone in freezer and then.. Wait scrap that. Pull iPhone out of your ass and then...
  • 15
    I’m even more surprised that it can be fixed in software.
  • 2
    @vicary even the latest hardware issue in Pixel 2 and XL is being fixed by software. But, I don't think these fixes will deliver better user experience that a good hardware would have.
  • 2
    So I can now get an iPhone x and put it in the fridge at night?
  • 3
    @gitpush and immediately take it out and walk outside in a hot sunny weather.
  • 5
    @avalanche I know, it's still funny to imagine.
    Rapid doesn't mean it needs to be a huge drop or difference, I would call a fast change from 19°C to 5°C still a rapid one
  • 1
    If you watch casey neistat's vlog he talked about it once
  • 0
    @github what hardware issue on the pixel are you talking of?
  • 0
    If device is used extensively for resource-intensive tasks, turning off screen walking outside in New York, Chicago, or even Finland 😉 might be a feasible scenario, no? Especially if it's dropped in snow. Ya never know.

    Also, the key terms being "rapid temperature drop" and the measurements, specs, i.e. range or change in temperature is not specified.
  • 0
    @avalanche I agree. It's not an edge case. As long as temperature change is with in the operating range of the device, it should work.
  • 2
    @github you serious? out from the fridge straight to the oven bro :p
  • 2
    Yeah, I can say this was a thing. This iPhone X, it’s taken a bit to get use to and the bugs don’t help.

    Also, I own my own repair shop outside of regular work and a certified Apple repair, some user insisted on saving money and using a “cheaper” screen... Whatever update Apple had pushed out rendered that screen DOA. It’s odd what a software update is capable of doing in the world of Apple.
  • 3
    @AnonyOps not only Apple. Google Pixel 2 also got hardware defects like premature tinted display which they are trying hard to fix through software updates.
    It's interesting, how software is hiding hardware bugs these days. If this becomes a trend, the hardware quality gonna decrease a lot.
  • 2
    @github you’re definitely right, I think they should keep the two separated like they always have. Yes, new features are cool and I’m sure if they spent more time actually testing before pushing for more cash to line their pockets, we wouldn’t run into nearly as much. If they would spend the time testing it like they do pushing new gadgets, they’d not only find the majority of them before releasing to the general public, but they’d save time in the long run.
  • 1
    @AnonyOps completely agreed.
    At the end of day, everyone wants a high quality product, rather than getting more quantities of similar low quality products.
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