
“You code fine… for a girl”

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    @SidTheITGuy so... You're part of the problem, you get that right?
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    @SidTheITGuy OK. I didn't down vote you. Do you only see a problem with what she said, or do you accept that what they said is wrong?
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    @atheist okay, now that you're talking to me like a civilian I will elaborate.

    I take issue with her being so hurt that she thought she had to slam back at those haters. It doesn't achieve anything, it only fuels the haters more.

    She's a VS supermodel, she's already doing better than we ever could, so why's she seeking validation from anyone? She's a public figure, she's bound to get trollers and haters. Some people will like her and some won't.
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    @SidTheITGuy yes, yes really.
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    I love hot nerds.
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    @ojt-rant Do the hot nerds love you, though?

    Im kidding, don't take it serious, my man.
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    @SidTheITGuy I'm not talking to you like a civilian, I'm talking to you like a child.

    She can handle the hate. But the same hate is directed at a lot of women in tech. So she can handle the hate but that doesn't mean she should be silent.
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    > Do they love you?

    Geez dude, story of my life. And spoilers, they don't, they just wanna use.
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    @SidTheITGuy no, nobody does
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    I wondered why anyone would lower themselves to the job of a model, but damn the ones in that company make bank. 3 millions+ usd.
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    model/coding at some point we are all obsolete. Might still work but it looks like shit.
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    We're all selling our bodies and souls one way or another. Just make sure you get a good deal for it.
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    So funny how nobody so far, even in this comment section, will admit that she’s more talented than them lmfao.
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    I would love to have such a person in my team to have someone to compete in knowledge and expertise.
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    I find the women in tech are hostile not the men

    someone telling you you have no skills directly to your face is easy to rectify
    someone telling everyone else behind your back that you suck at your job despite your skills? well fuck if I know, you don't find out until everyone is telling you how much you suck and you get fired

    worse yet management doesn't want to get involved in issues between women. they think it's just "cat fighting", so they turn a blind eye as someone else tarnishes your whole reputation

    women do something called relational aggression and as far as I'm aware there's no way to rectify it like with direction aggression, where you can actually see it being presented to you and you can rectify the situation with words and shows of skill
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    This. This *so fucking much*.

    I mean, I have Asperger's. This whole gender shit, unless imposed, flies right over my head, as in, I don't really treat each gender differently.

    Then again, In my experience, I've always seen women being muuuuch more sibiline? (catty? scorned? vengeful? underhanded?) than men.

    I've gotten in many (physical) fights with men. We beat the shit out of each other. The next minute, we have a couple beers and we're friends.

    Women, dunno if by biological response (probably), or what, are just... backstabbers. But what's worse is that they are especially backstabby among other women.

    Probably another biological/genetic argument here, that I will be shat on for, but again, I don't really care, so please, fill your quota 🙃
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    Also, she has an unique skill overlap.

    It happens. No problem.

    Everyone has unique skill overlaps. I'm a software engineer and musician too, things that are like black and white, yet it happens.

    And people will often belittle one aspect because of the other, because in their simple minds, "they don't mix". It really is their problem, not yours.
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    @CoreFusionX yeah I prefer the physically beat then get beers route (well I don't physically beat but you know, a showoff / confrontation of some sort and then you move on)

    if there's a woman equivalent I have not found it. it's just shit and shit and more shit and a pain and I don't wanna participate because they're just throwing other human bodies at you instead of coming at you directly, and then you can't respect people for falling for such nonsense so you become socially isolated and just hate your job

    men are nicer, you know where you stand and there's no surprises (generally, there are some sneaker males but they're a minority and have more limited social maneuver skills than women)
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    I don’t get why you would come down hard on ‘men’ assuming that if you get your tits out for a living you don’t have much going on upstairs. It’s a pleasant surprise that you have, but an exception to the rule. These kinds of things are what create spaghetti code, as it’s not worth the hassle for the edge case.
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    I wouldn't have lead with the stackoverflow brag, but go off 👏
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    27k on Stack, damn
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    Women in tech often look like men. She's a keeper.
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