Someone at this point MUST have realized this was excessive, and this someone kept going nonetheless

  • 5
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    Recursive data structure?
  • 1
    @netikras definitely not, they're just climbing
  • 4
    const heyShitBag = (i_will, you_asshole) => i_will.reduce((you, fuckup) => {
    if (fuckup in you) return you[fuckup];
    throw new Error("eat shit");
    }, you_asshole);
  • 3
    Inadvisable language ideas:

    put "grand" before any dot-expression to repeat it. put "great" n times before "grand" to repeat it n+1 times, like so:

    item. great great grand parent

    It can also capture funtion calls on the right:

    item. great great grand child(0)

    [user]. great grand friends().flatten(1)
  • 0
    If one of those parents gets wiped this code will crash. Like why can’t they simply iterate until the current node has a tabs prop (and handle the case when the first node has one)? Who writes this garbage?
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    @IHateForALiving aww ♥️ So puffy
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