
Lets get to know eachother, shall we..?

It's come to my attention that all we do is either rant, or post memes! Lets talk! D;

What's your favorite programming language?

How about spoken/written language?

Favorite band?


Do you sit or stand while working?

What's the last four digits of your SSN? Haha, jk..

What are you passonate about?

What projects (programming or otherwise) have you started/picked up/finished lately?

What else do you want to share?

Answer as many as you'd like~

  • 9
    I invite @dfox, @trogus, @alice, @linuxxx and anyone else~
  • 5
    @Alice I love you toooooo~ ❀️
  • 5
    Favorite language... Eeeeh Python, or C or maybe C++... I don't know I love them all except Objective-C!

    I speak French, English, little of Spanish and a very little bit of Norske (Norwegian).

    I'm passionate about video games and extended universes (Star Wars, The Elder Scrolls...).

    My last projects were not interesting enough to talk about them!

    I loooove Imagine Dragons and my favorite song is Warriors.

    Oh, and I'm from France
  • 12
    Well it's on here anyways so why not!

    PHP and JS, can't decide which one

    English, dutch is good because hardly anyone else understands it buuuuut that's about it.

    Mother of god, that's a good one. Multiple I guess in my case but these two (or one, as an act together) stand out to me: Malice and Rooler or together as Aggressive Acts. The genre they produce is extrememly underground/hard and considered to be too violent/aggressive to play so hardly anyone produced it aaand then a label was founded by people who loved that genre anyways and I think these three (Malice is two guys, Rooler one) make the difference here.
    They dared to do the 'different' thing and it's just awesome.

    Changes all the time. All time fav is Chain Reaction - Answers (Adaro remix), current fav is Qriminal - Dance.

    Sit, way easier.

    0000 - not saying in which order though!

    Online privacy, cyber security, Linux, rawstyle/raw hardstyle (hope I'll produce it myself one day) and I fucking love special beers.

    Privacy site - working on that one, security (and also privacy) blog - working on that one as wel. Also rebuilding my home computer setup.

    Will come up with something soon I hope :)
  • 8
    I guess I should answer my own questions~

    My favorite language is Java, but I work in Python a lot too~

    Latine amo~ Native English.


    AmaLee - Shall We Dance

    I stand.

    6969 ;P


    Latin! I've recently started learing Latin, and I've picked up my old Message Encryptor project (Firecoder)

    What else do I want to share?
    I love my girlfriend. @alice amo~ ❀️
  • 2

    How close is French to Latin?
  • 5
    Favourite language: c++

    Languages: German, English, Spanish a little, had Latin in school but didn't learn there, now I regret that and want to learn Latin coz its a beautiful lang

    Fav band: Carnifex, Miss May I, Breakdown Of Sanity, Infant Annihilator, BB King (not really a band), also listening to classical music (I prefer baroque) as well as Jazz, Jazzhop, Hip Hop, Funk, Blues


    Standing and sitting, depending on mood and stuff.

    Currently writing a console music player, a fan speed controller, a gravity engine

    And I'd like to share with you guys that I like trees :3
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    If you're on Telegram I would love a study partner for Latin! D;

    I don't know anyone who's interested!

    I'm not that far in..
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    @Cyanite just about etymology, grammar and verbs are not the same
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    @Cyanite I'd have to start from zero and I'm quite busy right now because I need to finish school first. My telegram is drb3b3. Maybe I'll find some time oneday :D
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    I've found some great resources for learning in minimal time. (5-15mins/day, mostly consisting of labeling things in latin, and saying their name when you interact with them) And practicing with someone is really great~ I'm only three days in, technically. Though weeks between the first day and yesterday and today. xD
  • 3
    Programming language: actually i'm studyng python and i like it.

    Spoken/written: italian, English a bit and no... I don't remember latin anymore... Maybe read but not translate it.

    Band/song: i love to listen all kind of music from classical to house... Maybe i'm little wierd in this case. In this period i listen eletronic music with great video on YouTube.

    I sit while i'm working on my animations... Eff... i'm soffering for back pain sometimes :(

    I'm little passionate about programming and web design. I love cartoon, film and games (specially guild wars 2).

    I'm starting a project month ago with react but maybe i don't finish it :S, i don't have much time because i must draw and do 3d animation.

    P.s. sorry for my bad English :)
  • 3
    Fav programming lang would probably be Python

    Spoken/written languages: Danish, english and a bit of German

    I tend to switch favorite bands, and currently I dont really have a favorite, but some bands that I like are:
    Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Foo Fighters, Black Sabbath, Dizzy Mizz Lizzy, Led Zeppelin, Rage Against The Machine, The Police, etc.

    I don't have a favorite song currently, I like too many to deside.

    I mostly sit, but I sometimes stand.

    Interests: Linux and other UNIX/UNIX-like systems, networking, cybersecurity, programming, retro gaming(especially games like DOOM, DOOM2, Duke nukem 3D, etc.), guitar a bit too(thinking about starting on playing it a bit again), music.

    Projects: A friend and I are currently using his VPS(which ofc runs Linux) to make a chat site, just for fun. Other than that I'm just learning stuff: Linux stuff, Python and a bit of PHP

    Looking forward to finally get out of high school and actually learn something that is not useless and that I like!
  • 3
    Java would win the first place, closely followed by TypeScript (React, mostly)

    My native tongue is Romanian. I also know know English and I strongly believe English is a much better language overall.

    My favorite band is Disturbed and my favorite song is <pick any Disturbed song>.
  • 8
    Favorite language: Python (Ruby is second)

    Spoken: English, Farsi, Spanish, and Japanese

    Favorite band: MCR, PTV, FIR, Blackpink

    Song: Too many to list

    I sit, but I don't sit on a chair. My desk is long in width but short in length. It's one of those floor desks. I use it as a form of productivity and discipline.

    My mom doesn't trust me enough to tell me my SSN lol.

    Other than programming, I'm highly passionate about writing.

    I have lots of projects atm. The main one is my author website, since time is runming out and I need to finish that quick.
  • 4
    She probably thinks I'm going to do things with it haha.
  • 5
    Favourite programming language: Java followed by Python
    Spoken/written language: IsiXhosa (Home language) and English (first additional language) and tiniest bit of Afrikaans (it originated from the Dutch if I’m not mistaken)
    Favourite band: Rammstein (Even though I honestly do not understand what they are saying 😊 )
    Song: Rammstein - Mein Land
    Do you sit or stand while working: I prefer to sit
    What's the last four digits of your SSN: I do not think we have SSN in my country. I think an SSN is equivalent to an Identity number in my country.
    What are you passionate about: Programming and Science in general
    What projects (programming or otherwise) have you started/picked up/finished lately: Currently working on two Android apps. One was a university project that we did not finish so I decided to continue with it. Once I am done I’ll continue learning JS, HTML and CSS to create my personal website.
  • 4
    Favorite programming language: Haskell (followed by Java - I don't know any others ;D)

    Spoken language: Native German, English

    Band: I don't really have a favorite band, because i mostly listen to nightcore or game music (Touhou)

    Song: Owen was her? - Touhou 6

    I prefer sitting

    I love to learn new things, gaming (mostly Singleplayer games like transport fever or factorio)

    Projects: A friend and me started to write a irc bot in haskell, my last project was a telegram bot written in node - I recently got a vps (OS Arch, because why not :D ) on which I run some services - I am planning building a personal website

    Well that should be everything :D
  • 2

    What kind of writing do you do? :D

    (I also write ^~^)
  • 1

    Touhou is greaaaat~
  • 1

    Owen was her? Is a very difficult OSU! map.
  • 2

    Won't tell me what order, huh?

    0000.. Well, that's not too hard.. It could only be 4^4 things..
  • 4
    I write poetry and books. I've also written short stories before. :)
    I'm actually in the process of getting my debut novel published.
  • 3

    What gneres are your stories? :D

    I'm trying to create a detailed magic fantasy universe to write stories for.
  • 4
    Ah, so your main genre is fantasy? I usually avoid it because the word count range for it falls between 100,000 - 120,000 haha.

    I don't stick to a particular genre, I usually switch, but they all fall along dark fiction, and it's always YA.

    My debut novel is a psychological crime thriller. But I also write supernatural, dark fantasy (not regular fantasy. Word count range is around 70,000 for this), mystery, and horror.

    You shouldn't have mentioned writing because once I started talking about it, I won't shut up, but I'll try to control myself :D
  • 4

    That's fine, go write ahead. (See what I did there ;3)

    I wonder how many words I've written already.. I haven't even started on the story yet.. just writing lore.. probably about 20-30k words? (Or half that) I say that because my editor keeps track, and I'm not sure if my settings goals are 5k or 10k in a sitting.
  • 4
    Editor? I don't think editors aren't suppose to keep track of word counts lol. In your word processor, there should be an option to check. It's usually Ctrl + Shift + C

    My debut novel, is around 75K. I've been editing and revising for a year now. It's painful because I had to chop so much out, because the publisher said my word count was too high for YA. So I'm keeping it at 75K xD
  • 3
    @Michelle my editor shows words at the bottom of the screen and you set goals (i.e 5k words/day) and it'll say "75% of goal completed"
  • 5
    Are you talking about editor as in professional editor? Like human editor or a word processor editor?
  • 4

    Word Processor
  • 4
    Ohh, okay. I was confused when you said your editor keeps track of your word count lol. Editors will kill anyone who gives them that resposibility.
  • 4

    Lol like I could afford an "editor" xD
  • 4
    Professional editors are free when you get traditionally published with a publishing company. :)
    But then again, editors from publishing companies usually focus on formatting. But occasionally grammar and stuff.
  • 5

    Random thought: I should write a dev fiction story and post it page by page on devRant. XD

    Make it like a weekly or bi-monthly thing.
  • 4
    Fav Programming Language : Nope, I like all. If I have to pick one, PHP since it is feeding me. I like clean code rather than the languages itself.

    Spoken & Written : Burmese, English

    Fav Band : Linkin Park, ColdPlay, Greeeen, Backstreet Boys, Adele, Avril Lavigne and many more.

    Song : Luv Sic discography 1-6 by Nujabes & Shing02, Canon in D, River Flow in You

    Sit or Stand Working : Sit. If possible I want to lie down and work.

    SSN : 8008

    Passionate stuffs : Creating solutions in most minimal methods.

    Recent Projects : Basic ERP like app for a F&B business. Custom CRM and PM app for my company. Both on going.

    Others : Addicted to anime and manga.

    Thank for asking. πŸ€
  • 3

    Standing is healthy!

    Trust me!

    Also, manga is life~ Check out webtoons~ Trump/The Gamer/DICE/My Boo are my favorites.
  • 4
    @Cyanite I left out the manhwa and webtoon words not to confuse other people πŸ˜† all good recommendations πŸ‘ If you like comedy, try Adventures of God.
  • 3

    Met her on devRant~ ^~^
  • 3

    Hate comedy. I prefer fantasy.
  • 5

    You can be jealous if you want~

    She's aweaome~ she's def worth bragging over. ^~^

    I love her to death πŸ’“
  • 6
    Hmm ok go

    Fav programming langage : js, or maybe C

    I'm native french, but i can speak japan and just a bit of english.

    Favorite band ? Gosh hmm.. Icon for hire, Arch ennemy, and Madeon

    Favorite song : Final - madeon, or Fight - icon for hire

    I work sit on my chair, or in my bed ``

    My passions are programming, anime and Trial bike . I spend a lot of time on video games too :/

    I do not know what ssn means and I'm too lazy to check :)

    Dealing with multiples api for traders, creating a better google spreadsheet, but open source

    What else.. a message : gimme money please :D
  • 4
    Fav language:Java

    Spoken language:Kannada

    Fav band/artist: Eminem, hinder, nickel back, fall out boy,t timberland,timberlake,black eyed peas,flo Rida,shakira,

    Fav song:I don't care by fall out boy

    Current project: building an Android app for art gallery(writing this as the Gradle builds)

    Hobbies:used to play a bit of chess and read novel but can't find time now.
    I sit and code something I lie down and code.
  • 2
    Favorite programming language:
    C, C++, Learning Rust atm... 🀩

    Favorite spoken language:
    English, Spanish ( idk Spanish though) πŸ˜†

    Favorite band:
    Umm not really... I like songs not specific bands ☹️

    Favorite song:
    Right now, Illenium’s “Fractures”, and also, “Leaving” 😍

    Do you sit or stand while working:
    I sit while programming ( laying would a be better word ) 😌
    And I walk while thinking... helps the thought process. πŸ€”

    Passionate about:
    Programming, fiddling with stuff, learning new things, reading fantasy or mystery books 😁

    Recently, started building a very basic todo manager in Rust. To learn the language... hope I finish it sometime... πŸ™„

    Anything else:
    M kinda shy from the very beginning and I like being nice to everyone assuming it is reciprocated πŸ€—πŸ€— ( kudos to people of devRant ) ☺️
  • 2
    @Michelle wow!!! Ur own book!!! Lol I wanna read 😁😁
  • 4
    Thanks. I can add you to the list of people who will be notified/tagged when it's released, if you want :)
  • 7
    >What's your favorite programming language?
    Python. I used to work with PHP though until I came to see the ugliness of life

    >How about spoken/written language?
    Filipino and English

    >Favorite band?
    Not really into particular band. Perhaps Linkin Park or some local bands here

    Varies a lot
    >Do you sit or stand while working?
    Sit. Sometimes stand when adrenaline rushes and forgets to sit

    >What's the last four digits of your SSN? No SSN on my country... I think

    >What are you passonate about?

    >What projects (programming or otherwise) have you started/picked up/finished lately?
    Desktop app made from PyQT 5. Then started to realize that the license is pretty messed up. Now considering HTML either to use a browser or electron. Also planning to continue the mobile app I've been working on. Having problems with Android dependencies for the moment...
    What else do you want to share?
    Back when I was a kid I used to watch Mr. Bean
  • 2
    am 28. Still watch Mr. Bean. @thremedy
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    favorite language: java
    what am I passionate about: football
  • 3
  • 2
    @Michelle sure thing πŸ€—
  • 3
    Okay, you're added!!
  • 2
    @Michelle thank u so much πŸ€—πŸ€—
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    @CurseMeSlowly arsenal and barcelona!
  • 2
    @calmyourtities enemy in the thread πŸ‘Ž πŸ‘Ž πŸ‘Ž

    I am a red devil πŸ‘Ή
  • 1
    Favorite Lang: Java

    Spoken language: I'm italian, but I love English

    Song: I have more than one, Dusk till down (Sia), Without you...

    I'll definitely use my chair while working :)

    Last projects: a custom Minecraft Network (self-managed), a project for the school (teachers managing scholars)

    I love devRant, I love the people here, I hate school :)
  • 3
    Programming language: kotlin

    Spoken language: Tongan

    Band: Underoath is all time favorite, currently obsessed with Night Verses.

    Song: It's dangerous business walking out your own front door

    Sit or stand: DANCE πŸ•ΊπŸ’ƒ

    Passionate? Not sure. Obsessed with Android and Paladins

    Latest project: "learn Tongan app" working with some native speakers to build a translation library. Kinda cool.

    I love beer, and whiskey. 😁 Preferably IPA's and Japanese respectively
  • 2
    @Cyanite That's a general joke over here :P
  • 1
    @Cyanite Funfact, I have never played Touhou or OSU!. I found a nightcore version of Bad Apple!! and quite liked it so I researched a bit and found a playlist on Spotify which I listen to while programming :D
  • 3
    1. PHP
    2. German and English
    3. Deetox, Warface, Dr. Peacock
    4. Sefa & Dr. Peacock - Flowing River
    5. Sitting
    6. I don’t think that we have a ssn here in Germany
    7. Laravel, Servers and Gaming
    8. To many to list them πŸ˜…
  • 1
    Favourite Programming Language: C++, I don't use it now, but they are paying for me to write JavaScript.
    Favourite Human Language: Arabic, English, German and Korean sorted by my proficiency...
    Favourite Band: PayPal Mafia, they are still playing.
    Favourite Song: My way - Frank Sinatra.
  • 2
    Favourite Coding Languages: PHP and Python

    Favourite Language: Le Baguette. Je parle un peu. I also speak English ofc.
    (English is my mother tounge)

    Band: A Set

    Song (All Time Fav): Either Virtual Riot - Idols or Queen's Don't stop me now. (First song I Owned On CD)

    I sit while working, occasionally standing.

    Last Digits Of SSN. Don't have one but my (UK) NIN (National Insurance Number) Starts NL and ends 2794
    *Joking, am British though and do have a NIN*

    Passions: Coding, Frontend & Backend

    Dislikes: Databases 😭😭😭.

    Programming Projects: A Website For a game for pricing of items. Along with some comparatively shitty other projects.
  • 1
    @sslPoodle Well I'm 15, so 2002, how about you?
  • 1

    Add me too!
  • 5
    @CurseMeSlowly same age. Yep it never gets old
  • 2
    Prog Lang: Unsure if I can have a fave yet but I'm liking C#.

    Hum Lang: Japanese. I've tried to learn it nearly as many times as I tried to pick up Web Dev in the past 10 yrs.

    Fave Band: Not really a band. Huge Ed Sheeran fan. But if I had to pick a band from my grunge days... The Used or Brand New.

    Song: Tough one... So many... I'll pick Youth - Daughter for now.

    Sit or Stand: Both!

    Passion: Odd place right now. I wish I could say coding but it's prolly raising my daughter right now.

    Projects: Work - Have to debug a lot of crap in a Web App built by an outside company and plopped onto my lap.
    Personal - I'm currently planning on creating a blog of my Dev journey from noob to Dev. Hope to have it launched with first article this weekend.

    What Else: Realizing that no matter what happens in your life the world doesn't stop for you no matter how bad you need it to.
  • 1
    1. .NET Core
    2. English (it's not my native, tho)
    3. Svetlio and the legends
    4. Swing / Llama in my living room
    5. I lay
    6. Climbing
    7. Lately, findDev (see in collabs)
    8. So here it goes:
    My favourite numver is 1729 (definetly google it). I love watching films all night, but working night time kills me. I actually like light theme, but I always stick with the default one for the editor/IDE. I'm 14 and I love that the programmers communtiy doesn't care about age. I'm most scared of the question Favourite phrase:
    What the fuck am I and what am I doing in Earth, we probably live in a simulation, so write code and be happy.
  • 2
    @CurseMeSlowly better than a chelsea fan I guess
  • 3
    @calmyourtities much much better πŸ˜‚ we are the original rivals unlike those money made ones
  • 2
    I just added you as well! :)
  • 3
    [{"question":"Favorite lang","answer":"Kotlin or Python"},{"question":"Spoken lang","answer":"German but i prefer english"},{"question":"favorite band","answer":"Caravan Palace or old 8-bit game music"},{"question":"favorite song","answer":"The wolf - siamés"},{"question":"sit or stand while working","answer":"walk or sit. or rolling desperately on the floor"},{"question":"what are you passionate about","answer":"sharing is caring :) also: baking (aside from programming of course)"},{"question":"what projects have you started lately","answer":"a cake website"}]
  • 2
    Languages: Java, Python, JS, C++

    Spoken languages: I speak Persian (Farsi) and English

    Band: Paramore

    Song: Love (Lana del rey)

    I’m currently working on a gnome extension that finds lyrics for songs, as a hobby.

    I’m passionate about playing piano, but never had the chance to start learning it.
  • 3
    @Michelle Hey you speak Farsi. That’s great πŸ˜ƒ!
    Are you (half | quarter) Persian ?
  • 4
    I'm 100% Afghan :)
  • 3
    @Michelle Cool!! my best friend in elementary school was an Afghan 😍
  • 2
  • 2
    @ThatDude I thought you already know this.
  • 2
    @ThatDude LOL that's the same :)
  • 2
    No? Persians speak pashto.
  • 2
    @ThatDude You should learn it πŸ˜‰
  • 2
    Persians and Afghans are two different things. I'm not Persian -_-
  • 3
    @Michelle Yeah i know
  • 3
    @Michelle no-one in my country speaks pashto πŸ€”
  • 3
    They probably don't speak Dari then.

    Dari is a dialect of Farsi, so if they do speak Farsi, then it's a different dialect.
  • 3
    @Michelle Nope. The most people (+65%) speak farsi, the rest speak Turkish, Balochi, Gilaki, etc...
  • 3
    The language is beautiful, but they do speak quite aggressively.
  • 3
    But not Dari, right?
  • 2
    @ThatDude I don't like Arabic either :)
  • 3
  • 2
    @ThatDude sadly no :(
    but i'm still hoping, nothing is permanent in this world.
  • 1

  • 0
    Fav. programming language: so far C++...

    Fav. Spoken / Written language: English & Hungarian
    (in this order...)

    Fav. band / producer / artist: oh boi... Let's take it by genre:
    Hungarian Rap / Hiphop: Punnany Massif

    Rap / Hiphop: Joyner Lucas, Gramatik, Lil Dicky

    Electronic Indie / Experimental: EDEN, Crywolf, Mazde, Odesza, Flume, Two Feet, DROELOE, Mura Masa, Stephen

    Electro Funk: Griz

    Metal: Five Finger Death Punch, Disturbed, Mick Gordon (DOOM)

    Classic Rock: AC/DC, QUEEN

    Nu-metal / Alternative Metal / Rock: Papa Roach, Linkin Park, I Prevail, Our Last Night, Colton Dixon, Kutless, Imagine Dragons

    DUBSTEP: (Gorestep) Borgore

    Other EDM: Far Out, Illenium, Mako, Joyryde

    Cinematic: Hans Zimmer, Audiomachine, Two Steps From Hell

    Song: recently Far Out - The Force Theme Remix and DROELOE ft. CUT_ - Lines of the broken

    I usually sit while working...

    I'm passionate about programming and music... πŸ™‚
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