
I think I might have OD'd on homemade pizza.

  • 5
    There's non such thing as "too much homemade pizza".
  • 5
    "too much homemade pizza" doesn't compute
  • 4
    There's also no such thing as "too much stuff on a homemade pizza".
  • 4
    @donkulator yeah, psychedelic mushrooms are only dangerous after eating 1,5 your body weight of it. So, let's add that too!
  • 2
    carbs are a killer
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    @jestdotty Just as well there was a shitload of fat and protein involved then.
  • 0
    @jestdotty so I watched this dude and was highly intrigued: https://youtube.com/watch/...

    Started moving away from carbs. Come to the realization that everything, almost including water and air, is loaded with carbs. We actively stay away from corn syrup and added sugar in most things anyway. But quick snacks seem to be centered around breads and the like. I know there is a big difference between complex carbs and sugars, but man it is a minefield.
  • 2
    @Demolishun I grew up in a family that liked to eat meat

    when I moved out it's surprising to me people eat so much carbs

    I actually can't really eat carbs. if I eat like other people I end up feeling like garbage. constant food coma, lack of energy, just wanna be lazy and not doing anything, etc. I just literally feel sick

    so tbh I don't really know what it's like to even eat so much sugar lol

    also on top of it growing up we only ate dinner, too! so I guess I've been on the intermittent fasting keto diet before it was cool. seriously you never get hungry. I dislike being hungry. it's super distracting. I got things to do. like live a life.
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    Fret not, tomorrow thou shall pay for it
  • 1
    @kobenz by having to unclog the toilet?
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    Or having no pizza left?
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    @donkulator I disagree, too much toppings make the crust soggy
  • 1
    @shovethisrant Only if they're soggy toppings. If they're ham and meatballs it's all good.
  • 1
    @donkulator dependssss. If u making that thicc crust u chillin, but if u tryna go thin on that 🅱️, you gotta make it a balanced art piece
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    @saucyatom emptying the chamber
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