Today my cat, my oldest girlfriend, passed away. She chose to be in the sun for her passing. I'm happy she had a good life in the end with all the space she needed. She did not suffer. It was sudden and just a cardiac arrest.

May she hunt many more mice and little birds in the afterlife.

  • 3
    My condolences bud
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  • 4
    Sorry to hear that.

    But I've gotta ask. Is this a pic of a cat's dead body?
  • 4
    @netikras it's called a cadaver
  • 5
    When I die I either hope to have the sunlight on my face or be looking at the stars
  • 0
    Sorry man, that sucks. How long were you two together?
  • 6
    @AleCx04 thnx
    @netikras yes, I found her there. Now I realize it may be shocking for some folks, should have set a warning tag
    @shovethisrant it's indeed a not so bad way to pass away. Hope we all get to make our final journey in such manner.
    @PaperTrail almost 18 years. I rechecked het medical booklet and she was born somewhere in july 2006, making her almost 18 years old.
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    @NeatNerdPrime so sorry. What a gorgeous creature. 18 years is a good run, especially since she died in peace
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    Some pictures when she was alive...
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    So sorry to hear that, sounds like she had a wonderful and long life.
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    WTF did you just post a pic of a dead cat on devRant!? By the way, I'm a cat mum and I'm sorry for your loss, but how do I forget your cat's cold dead gaze? Her eyes aren't even fully closed! Delete this now and repost it without pic, saying the pic is in the comments, just as I do with shock content
  • 1
    Iā€™m sorry for your loss, friend.
  • 1
    @NeatNerdPrime > "almost 18 years"

    18 years!? Jeez, your heart must be broken. Take some time to grieve, brotha'.
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    I'm sorry for your loss :(
  • 3
    @kiki it's just laying there peacefully. Not shock content at all
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    I have a cat and she'll die too

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    @shovethisrant You're not saying "If I die", but "when". An explorer's attitude, as mature a perspective of death as you can get in life.

    You will make a fine astronaut, for real.
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    What a peaceful way to go. Just chilling on the porch.

    RIP and sorry for the loss of such a fine friend.
  • 1
    Sorry for your loss :\
  • 1
    I hope you find inner peace and recover from your loss.
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