
What is this bullshit

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    Seems like most things, unless it directly affects you it does not matter. Like politically correctness or affirmative action.
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    Im just saying... Of the 185ish people in my graduating class, about 100 of them were female, and not a damn one cares about technology.

    Of those 100, about 70 are actually going to college. And of that 70, probably 60 are going for something medical related.

    This trend holds true for the year before I graduated, and will hold true for this years graduating class. They don't give a shit about technology, they're more about helping people directly.
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    What do you think about this?
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    @Alice 😂😂 I genuinely just laughed so hard I spit the water I was drinking all over the placr
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    It doesn't recognize female voices? Do females possess inhuman vocal cords or something?
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    My voice isn't very feminine, so I wouldn't be able to use it either xD
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    Mines isn't noticeably masculine, but it's deeper than most females I know.
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    @Skayo hmmm ... hmmm that's a cool campaign, I mean it's for free and I like free stuff, but the stuff about biased tech is not nice ... not nice
    But the real question is how do they make the voice recognition software not recognize female voices and why?

    @Alice I'd participate in this kind of project, but this could be dangerous stuff in the hands of certain people...

    @Michelle do they usually guess your age wrong because of your voice? I knew a girl once, she was rather short (like me) but had a pretty deep voice and because of this she easily got into clubs even under 18
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    Are they really saying that women are to dumb to learn it themself?
    Sounds sexist
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    @ThatDude for 40? how on earth is that possible? I saw a 16 years old australian guy who looked like he's in his twenties, but that's not such a big difference
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    Y'know, I think it's bullshit. If a girl wants to code, she'll code. Just like boys. YOU DON'T NEED TO FUCKING INFLUENCE THAT. LET ANYONE DO WHAT THEY WANT TO DO IN THEIR FUTURE.
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    People always assume I'm older than what I really am.
    I'm rather tall for my age, have a deep voice, and speak as if I were older. I don't wear makeup, so I look young. People typically think I'm in my late 20's or early 30's. There was a time where @linuxxx thought I was 25 haha.
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    @filthyranter I disagree, some girls never consider this option although they could have fun programming stuff if they were introduced to it
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    @Michelle for me it's the other way around, people always assumed I was at least 2 years younger than my age, because I was always short and my face also looks younger I guess and especially when I wear my glasses (it makes my eyes look bigger probably)
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    @Alice it seems like @linuxxx is bad at guessing ages 😂
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    Does not matter how many course you do, no one gonna find java interesting.
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    I am 24 year old but due to beard people think I am 44 year old.

    Wait I am man. Sorry for speaking about my privileged problem
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    I don't think you need to specifically encourage girls in learning tech, as long as everybody can do whatever he/she wants to do and noone says "but you're a girl you have nothing to do in it" (that's sexist).

    But as @theNox already said, a lot of girls don't consider this option - as well as a lot of men don't consider to become for ex secretary.
    I think, to solve this issue there is a lot more to do than simply create free courses to learn programming "for girls" (also, these already exist) @Linux, I like what you said to this.
    I think, to get more girls (and maybe more people in general) in touch with IT and considering studying it, we need IT lessons mandatory for everyone - at least for a couple years.

    ... But then there is the lack of teachers....
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    Everyone should learn coding. (Not java)
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    @kolaente You and @Linux are right. More people in general need to be exposed to technology fields.

    My graduating class has 185 or so, and only 3 of us are going for CS. It took me being bored one day to find coding on my own, which is sad. My school offers classes for agriculture and health majors (about 4 agriculture classes and like 6 health classes) but not a fucking computer class. (They have one, but it teaches you how to use Microsoft products... something I learned in middle school.) Shit, I wish I had free coding classes when I was younger.
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    @jhh2450 I guess that's simply because the technology is "too new" (mainstream since 20 years or so) compared to agriculture or medicine
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    @kolaente But still. Ffs it's not the end of the world to offer one singular CS class.
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    @jhh2450 yes. But bureaucracy.

    Also I think not a lot of people like us consider going into education, there is a lot more to earn in the free market (at least for cs jobs)
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    @kolaente They could have an IT team member teach us the basics. I personally know one of the members of the IT team, and he'd be a great teacher.

    And it's not like the teacher who teaches the Microsoft class actually knows what's going on. They teach out the textbook.
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    I can care about everything I want.
    Even if it's not harming or attacking me.

    My issue is how they do it not what they do. I'd be happy to see more girls in the IT industry!
    It seems like they want to show how much better the industry would be with more women.
    That's my problem.
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    if girls wanna code there's plenty of resources online

    honestly if i were a woman i'd feel insulted at the fact that someone was advertising about something i could easily look up, as if i requie some special education to use google
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    @penderis affirmative action in WA does affect me lmao
    people aren't hiring much bc of the minimum wage BS going on, and on top of that, affirmative action tipping the scales away from regular old joes like me
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    @insanealec it looks forced though, and comes with the understood message of "Women can't google like men can"

    it's a little insulting. if a girl wants to learn to code, she wants to learn to code - don't need to take all these classes (which are more about promoting an agenda than the actual education) to do so
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    @ParkCity Exactly my point.
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    @theNox My opinion is basically in @ParkCity's comment. Also I don't know of any girl around here that took such classes that were interested afterwards.

    Instead of such bullshit classes, something needs to change in the field: Companies actively try to hire more women, only to have a more "equal gender ratio" thing. Girls that code often get to hear "omg you're a girl coder you're so special!!!!!!1!!1!1!1!" Girls that actually are interested often even get annoyed out of the IT field and do something else.
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    Turns out posting "shit" on DevRant is starting quite a big discussion, so why not?

    Also as I somehow said earlier, I'm not against introducing woman to coding.
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    @insanealec Either criticized or too "interested".
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    @insanealec This person gets it.

    I think the initiative is bullshit if it's going to discriminate on any level. It's the people that need to accept that shoving the idea of a profession just because of the genitals is bullshit and really one of the only things keeping people from doing what they want in life. NO campaign is going to change anything if that is not understood.
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    Looks like 20,000 women will stay unemployed/in their current job...
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