Please don't kill me!!

I started using dark theme in all IDE I use just today.. all those years I was using Light theme !

  • 4
    As a @lazyDev I can forgive you.
    The fact you made the change is good enough for me 😍
  • 2
    I rotate them depending on the language. Java and c++ are dark, but something like datagrip must be light
  • 1
    Your eyes must be seriously injured to make you to change to the dark side... 😉
  • 4
    well, Android Studio made me regretting about it because of the colors choice..

    good job google!
  • 0
    It's like you were killing yourself anyway xD
  • 0
  • 0
    @lazyDev i have also just recently switched to dark themes. Just look for the colors settings and edit them to your liking, that is the first thing i do :)
  • 0
    @lazyDev This is not the default. I have installed multiple intellij based products (with dark theme) on multiple machines and the colors have always been right.
  • 0
    @lazyDev there are a lot of Color schemes online for IntelliJ or more in general for JetBrains products!
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