
I sent a recruiter my CV as a PDF file. They replied that they need it as a Word document. They must be joking, right? I always use my website's reader view to generate an updated CV by saving it as a PDF which contains text and images in accessible format. So it can't be hard to convert to Word?

I just installed Microsoft Edge on Linux, because I heard that Edge can save websites as Word documents. It can't. At least not on Linux, using the print or the save as dialog.

I don't even know what to tag this rant. Those people must be making fun of me. What are they supposed to do with a fucking Microsoft Word document? Make sure that the layout gets broken and the content truncated when forwarding it internally?

  • 4
    (just in case someone is facing the same challenge and desperate enough for making an effort and not just simply sending the same pdf again, a headless LibreOffice command using infilter and outfilter options did the trick, while LibreOffice's UI didn't)
  • 5
    the solution to this problem is twofold

    1) telling the recruiter they can convert it themselves if they are too dumb to have a program installed that can view PDFs

    2) ignore anything and everything that recruiter does, since clearly they're incapable of handling their job.
  • 7
    They'll copy your content in their own format. That's why. And you know - many recruiters even send you THEIR template and you have to create the document yourselves. I did a few times and afterwards I thought - fuck - I did the only thing they have to do.

    On top of that - my resume is thought of. It's written that it covers some holes and lacks certain information. It's written to get invited to an interview by raising questions. And it works very well
  • 2
    @retoor yeah I also had to do that template thing once. It felt like I was doing recruiter's job.
  • 3
    @cafecortado it's almost standard here. I know a guy who literally says - my linkedIn is my resume and you know what - that's fucking enough indeed
  • 1
    Recruiters want help you (aka lie about your capabilities) so they can put you in a I am jesus and can walk on water job so pay me a billion dollars and my recruiter gets a big cut if this idiot can last 6 months without pissing off management.

    Therefore they need your resume in word format.

    Oops did I say that loud?
  • 2
    Isn't wanting a CV as Word a huge red flag? I don't even remember the last time I wanted Word at home. I would send it in an open document format.
  • 0
    Microsoft Edge have only html page saving option
  • 1
    @Demolishun isn't any Microsoft technology a red flag? Unfortunately I've become so desperate, I would join a Teams meeting to get a job.
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