
Today a beautiful woman followed me on github. I was sooo happy ^_^ on her profile she also added her insta link, so I clicked. it sems, she's married :(
I'm double crushed :'(

  • 3
    Jerk off?
  • 4
    @shovethisrant don't blurt out your nickname in public bruv...
  • 2
    Fck her anyways the hoes love to have a side guy while hiding it from husband
  • 9
    It looks like you got crushed by expectations that you set up for yourself by yourself out of nowhere.
  • 4
    Why would you do this to yourself
  • 6
    least you didn't turn passive aggressive I guess
    or start harassing her anyway despite her being married, insulting her husband to get with her the whole time

    or promote her to try to sleep with her then fire her when she wasn't interested in you
    then send angry texts telling her she led you on
    and tell her she's nothing without you, has no skills, is just a pretty face, and men only hire her because she looks nice
  • 4
    Get out more?
  • 3
    @jestdotty wtf is wrong with you?
  • 4
    @Lensflare I think the point was "that's shit that's actually happened (possibly to them)"
  • 6
    Did github just drop a "dating site" feature or what? I feel like the appropriate response to this rant is: "Sir, this is a Wendy's."
  • 4
    I’m glad she is. “We met on GitHub” is something I never want to hear in my life.
  • 3
    My eyes!
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