
I hate asking questions but I need to right now.

Any suggestions for an easy installable email server like mailinabox? Multiple domains is a requirement :)

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    Currently installing Modoboa again but last time it crashed hard on every start.
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    I'm using Modoboa, but I had some problems with the webinterface at first setup, but it currently works pretty well, would probably recommend it.
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    I'm using good ol' postfix and dovecot as "the sender/reciver" with amavis for dkim and vimbadmin to manage emailaccounts. (+nginx, php, mysql).

    I currently have 11 domains with at least 100 mailboxes running, no performance issues since now.
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    If you want an easy setup, mailcow is probably for you.
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    @kolaente Seems awesome but I'm not a huge docker fan :)
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    I don't know but I have to say this important bytesequence:
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    @Gatgeagent Just installed it and tried to access it. Error on the page, nothing in the logs. No clue how to fix this.
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    Mailinabox says it has multi domain support but I can't find it anywhere and search engines haven't been helpful.
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    @wolt Crashes during the installation every time :/
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    @linuxxx I have a miab server with two domains. Easy setup.
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    M I A B
    Mail in a Box

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    @olback Read the rant and some comments again :). If you do have resources on setting it up for multiple domains, please share as I love MIAB!
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    Currently we use iRedMail, but we need a new one.
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    @linuxxx oh, I did it a few months ago and I don't remember the steps exactly but I didn't follow a guide or anything, it was quite obvious to me.

    I'll look into it.
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    @linuxxx as far as I can tell, you just point mail.whatever.something to your mail server and add user@mail.whatever.something. Should be it really.
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    @olback No config changes?
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    @linuxxx nope, "everything just works"tm
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    @Jilano O hai there, dot!
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    🗡 Following.
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    @linuxxx just tested it. It really is that simple.
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    I followed this tutorial with 19 domains (some added after setup) and it all works really nice. Takes some time to set up, but once you're done you also have a less shallow understanding of how the system works which helps big time with expanding/customizing the setup.
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    . @linuxxx with the interest here, if you'd find time you could might write a blog article about it. I know it's not really security related but still, I think a lot of people would like to know, what you tryed, what was good, what wasn't and what you choose in the end.
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    iRedmail. No doubt
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    Check the iRedmail forum :)
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    Can you explain to me what you are trying to do?

    iRedmail uses Dovcecot for mailboxes, I am not sure if it is possible to share mailboxes to other servers actually if the database/files is not synced.
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    I would take a look at GlusterFS and Galera in this case :)

    Or you can do periodically rsync every hour and dump the database every hour and send the shit over to the other server.
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    @Linux I've tried it but it just crashes without any form of error (none in the logs either)
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    What have you tried?
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    If you talk about iRedmail - amavis and clamav need some RAM
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    @Linux 1gb is my vps's ram. But then, it also happened on my 6gb boxes
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    @Linux What have I tried... Running the installer ten times, looking at all logs I could find and so on
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    How many cores?
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    @Linux 1 core I think. I've ran it successfully multiple times on 512mb boxes (with 1 core too I think) before. Anyways, currently giving it yet another try!
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    I had trouble with it when I had one core actually. ClamAV does really like the second one.
    Amavisd is also a resource hogger but it has been real stable on 4GB RAM, 2vCPU and handles 6k mail / day
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    @Linux Just ran the installer and Apache isn't starting. 'ProxyRequests' gives a syntax error in the conf.d/SOGo.conf file.
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    What distro and what is the errormsg?
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    @Linux Ignore my earlier message. Apache tried to start automatically while I chose nginx. Its running smooth now :)
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    Aight :)
    Just a tip:
    Amavisd support dkim :)
    If you want dmarc, opendmarc is the package for you.
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    mailcow works great for me https://mailcow.email/
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