
It's been a bit since I last used this platform, but I recently got a "new" phone (as in it's new relative to the one I've been using) only to find the devRant iOS app is no longer on the US app store. It doesn't seem like the tools used to create ipas from installed apps works on devRant (I believe they're built around 32-bit apps and we are way past that now) so now I just have this device with an app that seemingly no longer exists.

...cool I guess?

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    (no, the iPhone 5 is not my previous device)
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    I made an unofficial devrant app called JoyRant. It’s available via Testflight. You could use that if you like.
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    just use a browser.
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    @Lensflare how do I find it? My work iPhone will be replaced soon and I want to stay on here.
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    @RichSouth look at my profile page on devrant. There is a link to my github where you will find the project and the link to Testflight.

    Due to my current attempts to bring it into the store I had to rename it from JoyRant to devJoy. If that fails, I will rename it back.
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