I was arguing on Twitter (obvious mistake) with an idiot who insisted nobody says "assembly" because the language is called "assembler". I told him assembler is used to refer to the program that converts assembly instructions to ELF, and that referring to the language as assembly is common, and it's even used in the gcc documentation.
His response below. I gotta say this sums up 90% of my interactions as a female engineer and researcher....

  • 20
    Super funny. Say that you can outcode him with a CD and a magnetic needle
  • 9
    I always though the assembler assembled the assembly language code. Never ever got a straight answer on the usage. Always just said assembly language. Nobody who knew about the subject ever had a problem understanding.

    That person you ran into I would lovingly refer to as a "douche nozzle" in 80s terms.
  • 10
    @retoor I can outcode him with a punched card, but he won't understand either of our insults.
  • 15
    @Demolishun He said assembly is a gathering of people. I told him python is a snake, and c is just a letter or in the best case, the speed of light. But if you know, you know. I guess he doesn't know.
  • 2
    @NickyBones if progress denotes positive change, what does congress mean?
  • 1
    @Demolishun that democracy is not the solution.
  • 1
    @NickyBones I think congress is a synonym for assembly as well.

    Edit: I mean for assemble. So can we say we congress our assembly code using an assembler?
  • 1
    @Demolishun I need to remember that term douche nozzle. It sounds like a funny and obscure alternative for dumb fuck.
  • 2
    @Demolishun I think congress and assembly can be used interchangeably , but I've been online too much lately and it blackpilled me against humanity :)
  • 4
    he would've went for anything tho. it's called a defense mechanism. the point is to find a reason to dismiss the assaulting information with so that he can keep thinking his delusional thoughts, cuz finding out you're wrong is literally painful like being stabbed so they pretend they aren't stabbed
  • 2
    @jestdotty I'm gonna try this if I'm ever stabbed. I'll let you know how that worked out :)
  • 3
    @NickyBones just a flesh wound...
  • 3
    Let me remind you that you are a PhD researcher that can shred him to pieces with a swarm of tiny drones, each carrying a small pouch of TATP. You need to argue with no one anymore.
  • 1
    Looks like he assembled some bias.
  • 2
    He’s upset bc his mom bought him the wrong Batman pj’s
  • 2
    What a piece of shit. Sorry you had to read that diarrhea as a last post from that neanderthal.
  • 9
    @kiki I've been to conferences where guys tried to explain to me my own published work. This shit never ends. You just have to find a few nice people in the workplace, so they can laugh at the douchebags with you :)
  • 2
    @TeachMeCode Honestly, I'd be upset too :)
  • 1
    @TeachMeCode He got "just ice" in his soda.
  • 2
    How does he knows u are a woman?
  • 1
    I lulled at « outcode »
    Adding this word to my mental dict
  • 0
    @devapsarl tits / hips probably. Or maybe "Nicky". Just a wild guess
  • 1
    @devapsarl He zoomed in on my profile pic I guess, and assumed my gender :)
  • 0
    Superhero in wild just used assembler:
  • 1
    I think this sums up like 90% of relations in general. Regardless of background or gender.
  • 1
    most normal interaction on twitter
  • 1
    lmao woman just don’t have the right mental capacity.
    If I say something like that to my wife I will get my ass spanked like a 5 year old.
    Maybe he never had the mom to do that in the first place
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