
I regularly get added by unknown people on telegram. Now, sometimes they're real people asking you to rate some hotels or put smth in a shopping basket in a specific webshop.

It's my hobby to figure out what their scam is. (I think just not paying, how would they do that anyway).

Also, you've bots. Doing acquisition and then ask you to contact them on a different number. I do this. Yolo. For fun.

But now, there's a Chinese girl that added me and I can't figure out if she's a bot or real. She did ask me to contact on a different number - like bot.. But she goes to sleep on Hong Kong timezones and I've let her tell me what was in a youtube video. She described well. Still, I don't trust.

She does have some inconsistenties in dot usage at end of sentence and stuff.

English, quite well but I think she uses translator if she's real. She said it's not her native language.

It drives me totally crazy not being able to figure out.

What are more ways to check if AI?

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    I can do some memory tests ofc. But this 'bot' is not responding for a while now. Maybe got tired of my weird behavior. Sad, if she's real - would love to have a Chinese friend (Hong Kong)
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    But the inconsistentie in dots and capital usage, I've seen bots do that too
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    IRL Turing test xD
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    @SoldierOfCode yh, I always thought that the turing test was if you couldn't find out if it wasn't a person or not.. But that has nothing to do with the turing test regarding programming languages? It always confused me
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    @SoldierOfCode also, I've read somewhere that turing test is when you could write a language in itself (not completely the same as self hosted I guess). Teach me sempai
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    Surprise vidéo call
    Works every time.
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    @SoldierOfCode slowpoke. Figured it out. Turing complete and passing for a turing test are different things. AI can pass for a turing test by indeed being humanly and turing complete is if you can write a turing machine in the language. Turing machine is complex shit.

    Target of my interpreter is to make it kinda self hosted - programmable in itself. If it can do that - a tiring machine is possible too. I'm sure.

    Retoorscript on the way! Should really publish it sometime, it's not the fastest, has some debug limitations but imo the clearest example of a language out there. Easier to understand than Lua. And Lua is amazing as example. Retoorscript syntax is very JS like. I have some issues with named arguments implementation to get it clean. Also, I delayed garbage collection in this ver. Bad idea
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    @SoldierOfCode you're probably responding so slow because you're writing the western news atm huh :)
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    Tried a joke yesterday, smth bots can't understand.. But a not native English speaking girl either.. I would say the inconsistentie is quite a lot. Telegram with capital, then without. Seems autocorrection. Sending two times lowercase hello would also be weird for a bot.

    It asked me to contact her on different way, like bots always do but it allowed my preferred communication method instead of hers.

    She does respond very slowly - also not bot like.

    I know that I look paranoid and the content in screenshot looks very human but I've chatted with very advanced bots lately.

    I think she's real, what do you guys think?
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    See here, other girl. I think she's a bot. Also requesting to contact on different communication channel. She also have inconsistentie in capital usage
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    Chinese ai experiment with Chinese worker slaves plugged in directly into the system and exploited until they die
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    Maybe more like this

    From "key the metal idol"
    Anime from another time, when story still mattered.
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    The Chinese sent me a screenshot of bitcoin wallet with quite amount on it with correct time in Hong Kong. Just taken.

    Most advanced bot ever. Replika is nothing compared it it
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    Hmm, I'm sure now they're both manual scammers. Probably sitting in same building using the same phone list. Both know much about crypto and can answer the weirdest questions.

    So yh, just scammers. Sad, I needed a new foreign friend. Just lost one
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    So, those scammers are flexing with their wealth but I don't react on it and I'm flexing with mine and they're interested as F. I'm having so much fun. I wonder how long I can milk this
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    @jestdotty they made me crazy to break because they're real people. Was quite an adventure. I'm now trying to let them join MY SCAM 😁
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    @jestdotty oooooeeehh, it's working. One ran away when I invited to join my scam, the other seems interested because I convinced "her" that her coworker joins 😁
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    I came far, but they all ran away. I had four accounts of them. Two accounts where they initially contacted me on, and then the ones they forwarded me to. No idea why they initially contact with different account. I hope I get a new one soon, it's a lot of fun. But I think - my phone number is now deleted from the list
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    I occasionally respond to bots on telegram with TES quotes. Eventually a human seems to take over and be highly confused or just delete the chat. My favorite quote to use to end the conversation:

    "...must oil Mother soon ... get all the hard to reach places."

    This is what I will call a finisher quote. At least for the bitcoin scammers it is. It might not be a finisher for the telegram sluts.
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    @Demolishun I think I contact the spammer on dr too. It's gonna be a hobby
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    @Demolishun these scammers weren't low effort btw. They talked about literally everything. Situation in Hong Kong and stuff. Daily messages in right timezone etc. Screenshots with correct time there in actual Chinese. They spend days on me. The cryptoscammers on dr can't even provide a normal message
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    Probably invest in crypto scam for the girl
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    "Telegram bot" QR codes and URLs have to die. Just my two cents...
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