It would really, really suck if we're alone in the universe. Like, I can't think of something that would suck more.
I hope aliens exist.

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    I think the most likely explanation that we haven’t seen aliens is either the dark forest hypothesis or that interstellar space travel is impossibly hard.
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    @Lensflare There‘s a third explanation: They wanted to get in contact with us, but watched us first. After that they decided to leave again and mark our solar system as a no-go-zone.
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    @Framstag obviously there are countless options. I just listed 2 of which I think are the most likely ones.
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    I 100 percent believe there’s life at least as smart as us out there. We aren’t special creatures chosen by the gods
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    @Lensflare if space travel at a reasonable speed between stars is possible at all, it is nevertheless, under any regime, likely going to be massively expensive, and therefore in all likelihood mainly military or scientific in nature.

    Under those circumstances theres every reason to believe any visits amount to cataloging who and what is here and then moving on with minimal interference.

    A common example thats discussed is the possibility that superluminal travel is likely impossible, and therefore any species out there would have to develop 1. biological or electronic drones, 2. some sort of suspension or cryo tech for 'hypersleep'.

    The second version is very frequent, and the implications are actually glossed over pretty badly.

    A technology that lets us 'skip ahead' by sleeping or hibernating would fundamentally change an entire civilization utterly and completely. Space travel in this context is probably least interesting implication of indefinite life extension.
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    like imagine if leadership (good and bad) never got replaced by dying? Leaders might lead for centuries or millenia, instead of years or decades.

    CEOS and executives might run organizations for centuries.

    How would the ideas of lineage, legacy, and the importance of leadership change in the face of this? What would scientific progress look like if scientists could run long-term experiments and wake up to see their results 'quickly?'

    How would a civilization's conception of time itself and their environment, change if time was not a factor?
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    I think I speak for everyone when I ask: if there are aliens, can we fuck them?
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    @ars1 I have heard stories, and if true, then yes.
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    The more I learn the more I don't think life is scarce at all in the universe.

    Why don't we see naked apes? Because someone colonized this planet. So they took an ape and modified its dna. I think the tech involved makes our understanding of the universe trite at best.
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    @Demolishun you know how when you take a shit outside 5 days later its crawling with worms and flies and bacteria? maybe that's what happened here, maybe someone was passing by and like really had to stop to take a dump. So we're what grew in it. Think about it
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    @molaram I think there is some of that. When I learned that algae can survive in space on the outside of the space station I realized life can live anywhere.

    I just think an advanced civ will use dna based drones/automatons/slaves for deep space missions. I think consciousness transfer is even on the table here. Self repairing robotics.
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    ... the electricity problem is more interesting

    because electricity is power. that's why USA is in the middle east. they want oil so they can power things with it, the green agenda is clearly about making electricity illegal

    so if there is a way to generate electricity from another source in those UFOs, which there would have to be, it means whatever tech they have for electricity would totally change everything. because it would have to be the level of power of a city or something insane like that. it has to be a new energy source

    I think I asked a family physicist about... a theory of what it could be, which now I can't remember because I have brain damage, and was told I had an uncle working on that but he got poisoned with radioactive plutonium... or rather that he died of cancer but plutonium was found in his intestines. woo Russians

    so chances are there's a source of tons of energy and some governments have it and others don't and they're very very serious about hoarding it
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    @jestdotty there is a formula for population growth that includes energy production. Less energy production (more expensive) then less population growth. No idea if equation reflects reality. But people believe it does and act on this.
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