I see a lot of people with shitty interactions with recruiters, but I have the chance to work with one to get into what I want to do (net ops incident response) if I call this recruiter.

Backstory: friend applied for a position, got offered this morning (not going through a recruiter) AS recruiter called him for another position within same company. Friend explained situation, but said someone (me) might call recruiter to talk.

Job would increase salary by minimum of 25% and is much closer to what I want to do. Even if I'm still on call, it's a larger team and I'm interested in the stuff.

How do I not get screwed by recruiter? And am I am ass for applying when I know it's < 1 year and I'd be leaving my team down 2 people (so at half capacity)? And do I care?

  • 5
    no you're not for the love of your own sanity please apply
  • 3
    This sounds like a great step in the right direction, sometimes you must do what is right over what is easy to get where you want to be 😏

    As for recruiters screwing you over, I’ve personally have only met one that actually does their job so who knows you may get lucky.
  • 2
    @plttn still involves on call 😓😭 and more stressful. But I'd get paid more
  • 1
    @QueenMorgana yeah but if the teams bigger then it's not as crappy call rotation
  • 1
    @plttn theoretically. I'll also be the new one and get all the shitty weeks...
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