
Today I started tearing off some parts of the external wall of an old abandoned wooden house, built either in 1860s or 1930s. Surprisingly, the HTML is still very solid, except for the parts it was supposed to rot.

My project is on!!!

While it would be freaking cool to live in a renovated and modernised 150+y old house, a nearly 100y old house is still good enough!

I already imagine myself WFH there...

  • 2
    I always forget how close 1860 is to the 1900s. It is only 40 years, but it seems a lot further away for some reason. Not sure how to rectify that in my thoughts.
  • 1
    just give it the landlord special (sketchy CSS)
  • 0
    @spoiledgoods if I'm going to live in there, I can't afford shetchy CSS on a broken HTML. Otherwise one morning I might find myself crushed by a wall or roof.
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