
Ha! I remember now why I picked windows over ubuntu as environment for developing, I can install simultaneously apps in Windows meanwhile in Ubuntu cannot because something gets locked! And FFS the drivers! And also there's no simple way to do simple things like install and get a desktop icon without having to touch some scripts! I mean WTF!

  • 5
    Desktop Shortcuts are the most stupid Computer design thing ever...
    I mean... You basically need to close everything to use them.
    Think about the alternative: a customizeable optionally full screen Start menu (if you need as much space as on your desktop), where you can put all the things and launch them.
    You know... Like in Unity, GNOME, KDE, Windows 10, Windows 8...

    It's like a better desktop with faster access.

    Oh... Wait... You can't place files in the Windows 10 start menu? Well... I think you can in most Linux desktops (not sure... But in KDE it works)

    And not able to install multiple programs at the same time... Yes... That's a odd thing in Ubuntu. Archlinux and derivates are able to do this without problems.
  • 0
    @Anaeijon You can't place files in the Windows start menu but folders, which is close enough for most cases anyways.

    Didn't know that Arch supports multiple installs at the same time though, another reason to try Antergos on actual hardware.
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    @Anaeijon install several programs in parallel? In Arch? How do you do that?
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    @willol I'm pretty sure I can start multiple installation instances.
    For example doing pacman -Syyu to update all packages, which will take a while and running another pacman -S in another Terminal or screen, because you don't want to wait for the update to finish, before installing something else, that you need.
    I wouldn't advice doing this. But I remember that it worked.
    I'm not in reach of my computer right now, but will defiantly check tomorrow.
  • 4
    Not sure if troll or not?

    1. is this installing more then one application at the same time?
    Technically apt installs them in the correct order for you but you could install multiple things at the same time if you really wanted to though I don't know a sain person who would do that since install time is so low...
    you can just
    apt install pckg1 pckg2 lamp-server^
    and it'll install multiple packages for you.
    Besides setting up an basic Linux distro like Ubuntu shouldn't take that long.
    2. Desktop shortcuts heavily depend on which desktop environment you use for example making an desktop shortcut with XFCE is a right click on your desktop away.

    3. Nowadays unless you run the newest of newest hardware or some really niche product you can usually get it to work out of the gate. Sure, it's not perfect but in functionaility and scale it's almost as good as Microsoft's.

    Don't limit GNU/Linux to one distro. There are hundreds if not thousands of them.

    also just a nice thing to know:
  • 1
    You can make an image of your install with the configuration+programs you like on an usb and it'll be useable on any pc that let's you boot from it.
    As well as being able to automate literally everything(granted you'd have to learn shell scripting)
  • 0
    the db.lck does get locked, yeah
    and drivers aren't that bad
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    @deadlyRants well to get multiple packages in a row it's
    pacman -S package-1 package-2
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    Use the regedit copy the "pin to start screen" entry from something like "class_root/exefile/shellex" to under "class_root/*/shellex" and you can pin anything to start menu.
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