
Almost all fellow programmers I've met have either wanted to be my boyfriend, thought I was a fake geek girl, or were too shy/intimidated to talk to me. (or a combination.)

devRant is the only place I've actually met friendly developers.

  • 72
    Can I be ur girlfriend
  • 13
    @time2code I don't get tired of teaching! It's actually really enjoyable, even though I'm terrible at it.
  • 3
    @Root ❤ you just the way you are.
  • 0
    What all can you teach?
  • 13
    @github Basically nothing 😅 but I try!

    I'm terrible at figuring out what people already know / what they can understand, so I either sound totally condescending or I'm talking waay over their head. ;;
  • 5
    @Root haha. Same pinch. I end up doing the same.
  • 4
    @Root @github this topic is so relatable it deserves its own rants!
  • 2
    Can agree
  • 2
    @time2code I used to have a coding blog on Tumblr.

    They deleted my account, though, so it's gone. All my recipes, too 🙁
  • 1
    @time2code I might!

    I'd have to find (or build) a better platform, though, like @linuxxx has. After what happened with Tumblr, I just can't go back to using them.
  • 1
  • 0
    @linuxxx @Root What platform?

    I know I'm the annoying one here but building something that surpasses Tumblr is not an easy task. Sure you can make a thing that is better in some aspects but over all? No. Not alone at least.
  • 6
    @Froot Of course someone can. I can't, maybe you can't but that might not be the case for literally every other person in the world.

    And she's referring to the security/privacy blog I developed. Instead of using existing frameworks, I built my own system. Will be open sourced after rewriting parts and refactoring :)
  • 3
    Hay girl want to fork 😀
  • 3
    @Froot I meant "better" as in "better for my uses."

    However, building something actually better than Tumblr, while a huge undertaking, wouldn't actually be too difficult. Having used the platform for years, I'm intimately familiar with its features and its flaws. Building a better frontend is beyond me, but I could re-create most of the backend, and fix most of its flaws. The issue that would kill any such project, however, is convincing the community to move. There have been several Tumblr clones/remakes/improvements, but they've all failed due to poor development, or lack of community interest. It's sad.

    Before you suggest I go to work for Tumblr instead and fix its flaws, I suggest you read reviews from its former employees. Tumblr sounds like an absolutely awful place to work. 🙁

    "brocoding," pushing broken code to master and going to the bar, abusing new employees until they quit, etc. And considering my earlier Tumblr rant.... bleh!
  • 3
    @NoMad An "alpha" who has difficulty talking? haha

    I'll take it as a compliment, though!
  • 2
    @NoMad ~80% introvert 😋
  • 2
    @Root I find that, at work, I am much more extroverted.
  • 2

    I'm always afraid I'll anger people if I'm too vocal or bossy or disagree with them too often.

    Like when someone is continually wrong, like if they do bad practice after bad practice during pair coding, and you point them all out. There's not a lot of difference between helping and just being mean in that case.
  • 3
    @Root I'm a shy guy that becomes extrovert when needed. Basically you need to become extrovert when a certain breed of extrovert is in the vicinity, like certain sales people or accountants with too much power (ego-maniac extroverts) just to keep them walking all over me and those I care for. It's a survival instinct I suppose. That sort of personality kills me and I will play their game if only to knock them off their high horse. :P
  • 3
    Every peogrammer girl I have meet have either thought that I am a bad sysadmin because I am not giving them root and access to the shared hosting environment, that I am not responding on their email the same minute it arrived, my lunchbreaks är too long ( allowed to take over one hour but I only take 15 min)
  • 0
    @Linux Sadness. 🙁
  • 0
    @Root Huh... Didn't know Tumblr was so bad to work at, good insight.

    @linuxxx The "someone can" thing goes way deep into the philosophy land. Ofcourse there is a chance that a person exists that can rewrite Tumblr alone, or YouTube, or Windows. That chance gets stupidly low when you get to the latter ones of my examples but it's still a chance. But that's not the point 😄. I should have said it's not *feasible* perhaps... I don't know.

    Anyway my comment was sort of a general response to moonshot ideas people have here sometimes 😄
  • 1
    @Froot Oh I meant that there, in general. are quite some programmers who could do it. I know at least three guys who could write a near-complete clone/copy in not too long.
  • 1
    This is why I don’t to flirt with dev women. I’d just feel like I was bothering/harrassing them because I’d just be the next nerd who tries to get it on. Still sucks though, being in a relationship with another dev is probably awesome.
  • 1
    @bashlord meh, just don't be annoying about it and everything is totally fine!

    Obv don't try unless the two of you actually get along, though. That's just irritating.
  • 0
    yeah but if you're cute we can't help ourselves 😥
  • 2
    @linuxxx the reason tumblr is so popular is because it's geared towards the masses of idiots and writers who are too lazy to learn wordpress
  • 0
    Lol you have got the gist of the world:
    There are lovers and there are haters...
  • 0
    This thread is very confusing. Have people been deleting comments?
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