Christians are the most annoying people on the planet

  • 8
    No. All religious people are.
  • 12
    soo you never met a vegan?
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    @We3D sooo you never met someone whining about vegans?
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    @We3D some vegans are chill but it’s usually the undercover ones
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    @Lensflare I mean kinda, but Christians are on a whole nother level. Like u can’t seem to escape them.
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    @mostr4am that pretty much sums it up right there
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    There are none where I live, it’s great,
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    I've seen atheists that are more fanatic than religious people
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    So the religion that you can insult with impunity is worse than the ones that might lawyer up and come after you?
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    the only annoying person whining here is you. Christians are talking to God, no-Christians cannot keep their mouth shut and annoy us all the time with their teenage-level way of thinking.
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    You talk to an invisible magical granpda which grants you whishes when you prey to him and those who don’t do the same are the ones with the "teenage-level way of thinking"?

    Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.
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    @Lensflare imagine how much meaningless is talking to you , so that i prefer the "imaginary". An imaginary friend is offering so better company than you. Do not worry. There are people that will prefer you over nothing. There is hope.
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    @gatoMalicioso arguing with religious people in a nutshell. 😂
    You can’t make this up.
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    I am here to annoy you then.
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    @We3D I've seen far more people complain about vegans than vegans whining, and I know a bunch of vegans (one of which would get uppity about meat and such, but the rest are chill).

    And I agree with the other two. Religious people are much worse than vegans.
    I lost count of many times I've seen in person or on social media, religious people failing in even following own rules (like being kind), discrediting people's achievements in the name of their sky daddy, shoving their "God" in people's throat regardless of the topic.
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    attention. angry teenagers here with sky daddy issues
  • 6
    I guess this is an observation bias: there are all kind of annoying people.

    Vegans, Carnivores, Christians, Atheists, etc.. The more you have of them around you the more likely one of them is going to annoy you.

    Go to one of the hardcore Arab countries - no Christian will annoy you.;-P
  • 4
    I travelled with three vegans for three weeks on an island that had zero concept of a vegan, and boy did it suck. I was the only one that could eat out basically, other than one super boring ass restaurant and they got all pissy any time I wanted to eat anything.

    I ended up breaking up with the one I was dating after the trip, it was the last straw for me lol
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    A good rule of thumb for any person with any interest at all: keep it to yourself until someone expresses interest in it

    Whether it be religion, politics, sports, cars/motorcycles/other loud and annoying things, no one wants to be exposed to it against their will. And doing so will make enemies of people that would otherwise like you.

    No one outside of my home knows I like Star Trek and LEGO and no one cares. But if I were to blast it into their living room at 6:30 AM on Easter Morning or stop them in the street and tell them about it they would hate my guts, and rightfully so.
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    happens with any cult
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    @jestdotty Like people asking medical status to go to a fucking McDonalds? Yeah, super annoying.

    The same people saying it is inappropriate to ask medical status if someone died unexpectedly at the age of 30.
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    @Demolishun you can tell it's a cult if they follow sacred ideology / figure, disallowing criticism
    critical thinking short-circuits as feature

    the atheists in this thread are actually a funny example. they just parrot the same talking points over and over again. they didn't come up with them. there's no personality in them

    cults specifically have sermons and tell everyone what to think and how to behave, and then everyone looks like a damned clone of each other. individuality is dangerous to cults because it would compete with the messaging

    vaccines stuff was authority about to get its reputation wacked. your example is more coercive, because that's the nature of government as an authority and that's what they used
    the vaccines people literally changed speech though, so that would be sermons
    also suspending licenses of doctors, ousting them from "priesthood"
    also don't forget excommunicated / departed members are shamed

    cults also often have sacred rituals, garbs
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    @jestdotty face masks. Some are still wearing them.
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    - the crusades
    - The widespread abuse of children from the church with little to no justice for the victims
    - german church support of hitler
    - the continued hate and abuse directed towards the LGBTQ community
    - the continued fucked up thinking that women should submit to men and the continued abuse and violence that has arisen out of it
    - the shame, mind-control, trauma, and fear imprinted onto millions of children
    - toxic evangelism throughout history, forcing indigenous and conquered people to convert
    - christian motivations for American foreign policy and conflicts
    - the 19th century divide in Christian ideas on American slavery due to scripture support of slavery
    - The massive historical Christian-motivated colonialism and the corrupt power structure that controlled it
    - the intention to constantly undermine the scientific community
    - the interpretation of the Bible can be seen in a million different ways, which can lead to extremism (westboro baptist church is one example)
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    I know there are a lot of Christians that don’t support the above and condemn it. But why then, if it causes these things by “happenstance”, should it be allowed to exist in the first place?!? I’m not an atheist, and I’m not denying the existence of god or anything like that. It just seems like this religion has been causing some serious problems for a long time.
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    @jestdotty He didn't share because you weren't interested enough to ask about it. No one with a shred of common courtesy forces other people to participate in their interests against their will, regardless of how close you are to them.
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    @shovethisrant your list is what USA government is doing

    instead of women though it's everyone lmao. the continued fucked up thinking that citizens should submit to government and the continued abuse and violence that has arisen out of it

    instead of Bible they're trying that with their constitution now lol

    I think the moral of the story is that bad people are attracted to power and then they use the exact same tactics to subjugate people and make them miserable and fucked up, again and again
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    @jestdotty " I never even knew he had any" - did you know that, by default, everybody has parents?

    also: have you ever thought about... you know... TALKING about stuff instead of making assumptions, then bitching around when you find out they were wrong?

    i assume not.
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    Oh boy, wait till you see muslims. Everything you hate about what christians did 50 years go, they do like 10x today
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    @jestdotty >idk why you're speaking on his behalf, kind of gross

    Strange choice of words, honestly.

    Because, in this way at least, I behave identically to this man that behaves in a way you can't fathom.

    Most people worth knowing aren't limited to just one or two things that sum up their entire being. If it bugs you that you can't possibly know everything about him, then I recommend you somehow find peace with it.

    My **wife** is still learning new stuff about me because we only happen across those topics by chance.

    I don't foist myself or my interests or opinions or inner world onto people, no matter who they are. To do so is one of the most disrespectful things you can do to someone.
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    @jestdotty A person not handing out an itemized list of their interests, beliefs, opinions, and personal details is a personality disorder?

  • 3
    @cuddlyogre so, on the first date, you don't tell them you are not into pegging? This explains some of the dates that ended early.
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    @Demolishun I'd probably eat a lobster then crawl out the bathroom window after a question like that.
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    I would dare say that many of the stuff I've seen in this thread seem to confuse Christianity with Catholicism (or any other equally bullshit implementation).

    Christianity, even if I don't buy the whole "pray to the almighty to get boons" thing, is a rather good, in the overall picture, set of morals to guide you in life.

    Catholicism is a business, and should be viewed and treated like that.
  • 3
    @CoreFusionX in practice it doesn’t matter.
    Catholics see themselves as the true Christians.
    And what good is a "template" like Christianity if it can be implemented to be a bad practice like Catholism?
    You are just better off using rational reasoning to come up with good practices how to live your life, rather than deriving it from Christianity. We see how well that turned out for humanity.

    How fucked up is our society that we think that we need religion to be able to decide what is morally right?
  • 2
    @CoreFusionX "Christianity, [...] is a rather good, in the overall picture, set of morals to guide you in life." - you mean the parts that tell you "though shalt not kill - except unbelievers"? or the parts that tell you how to treat slaves? or the parts that say that disobedient children should receive corporal punishment? or the parts that tell you not to wear clothes made from different fabrics?.... the list goes on. basically as long as you want it to be.

    no, christianity, at its core, is just another tool to keep people stupid and obedient.
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    @CoreFusionX I agree with you that christianity overall isn't bad at all. There's a reason we have an old and a new testament

    Actually, the core western values we hold are directly derived of christianity, e.g. that the individual is the fundamental unit to be concerned with

    Hating the whole of christianity and it's cultural influences is honestly a bit foolish imo
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    @Lensflare I wouldn't be so quick to assume that rational thinking alone is the way towards morality or a functioning social fabric. One could say that this exact line of thinking was what underpinned marxism et al, and that turned out to be literal hell on earth

    I don't know, I think it's not such a bad thing to live your life as if a higher power was judging you

    A shared religion is also what united people, which is definitely something that would be positive in todays society
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    @jestdotty I'm wondering where you get all of this BS from…
  • 0
    @jestdotty "faith is necessary to walk into something you don't know everything about" - no.

    unless you ARE a coward.

    also, funny that you compare someone panicking to a dodo. which were known for 1) being delicious and 2) not being afraid of ANYTHING because they had no natural predators.

    so basically the exact opposite.

    @LensFlare maybe she's got an exclusive trade agreement with @b2plane?
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    @tosensei not sure what you mean
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    @Lensflare you know, b2plane, the dude always boasting about what HUGE shits he takes. because you asked where jestdotty gets all her BS from.

    probably straight from his rectum.
  • 1
    @tosensei ah, got it! 😂
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    Never thought I'd say this but I kind of miss @b2plane's defecatory stories.
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