
This isn't serious. I struggled with the order. The main point was that the smart ones left the industry. I thought about making JS Devs be lowest tier. Please contribute your own version if you can think of a better ordering.

  • 4
    Putting JS devs there into the lowest tier would be very offensive against actual devs.
  • 2
    Btw I find it hilarious that you feel the need to clarify that this isn‘t serious 😂
  • 3
    @Lensflare there are some sensitives here... I am trying to be kind, sometimes.
  • 2
    Damn, my end game right here in this meme.

    I don't come from a farming family with 100 years of land ownership (although I was brought up in a rural community) so I need to be a dev first in order to purchase land
  • 6
    I'm gaslighting myself into thinking that I'm not a JS dev by being a typescript dev...
  • 1
    I’ve got 6 pallets in my garage to build garden boxes in. Just waiting for the right combination of desperate political and economic circumstances to trigger my final budget blowout to finish the whole setup.
  • 3
    After 10 years working as a full stack web dev I can confirm that this picture is accurate.
    I have done so many horrible things.
  • 3
    don't forget woodworking

  • 4
    I like to think about it like with cars.

    People who learn with automatic can't drive a manual.

    Web development is the automatic of development.
  • 0
    @CoreFusionX not a good analogy
  • 0
    There isnt any ordering. All devs are equal,
  • 1
    except for php devs, I hate those guys
  • 2
    I am changing to maintenance coordinator. I have realised that coding on the job will just drain my coding energy and can't code what I actually want after work.
  • 2
    @mostr4am sounds tempting. Unless it‘s a js cult. Been there, would come back only over my cold dead body!
  • 3
    @CoreFusionX That's why learning webdev first is a large pitfall with spikes at the bottom.
    Once you need to do something that you can't solve with JS/PhP/Whatever, you crumble.

    That's why I learnt C initially, (I'm a bit rusty, but good enough).

    Generally one should learn about how a CPU actually executes a program and a low-level language before diving into higher level languages.
  • 2
    @Ranchonyx I started low level as well but I don‘t agree that everyone should start low level. I think starting high level is fine as long as you use a proper language and not something like JS or PHP.
    I really believe that those "languages" leave a permanent damage on the dev‘s brain, because you will develop all kinds of bad habits and wrong ideas and practices.
  • 1

    If you set up in the canary islands the Moroccans will steal all your shit the moment you step in.
  • 1

    Ah no worries, then they'll just stab you.
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