
It's always fun when the app is crashed by a... logger

  • 10
    We logged once errors to db. Sadly, the error was "Too many connections" so it killed itself recursively
  • 7
    been there, done that.

    customer demanded that stuff gets logged into a database table.

    when inserting into that table fails for whatever reasons, an exception gets thrown, which the error handler catches and tries to log, spinning up a new logger, trying to insert via the same, temporarily broken db-connection.

    queue stack overflow and application death.
  • 1
    @dissolvedgirl is coldfusion at least very performant or smth? Why use it? I'm a bit conservative with migrating myself but coldfusion.. :P
  • 3
    I was told that if the DB credentials were incorrect that it has to connect to the database and log the error.

    What. The. Actual. Duck.
  • 1
    At work we have a central logging server but also always log to stdout.
    As our team actively removes noise this works nicely without impact. Did have an instance where sending the logs was sore l so slow (network issue) that there was internal resource usage buildup and it killed the service anyway. At least that was visible.
  • 0
    Never seen that happen. Did someone make logging a part of the main loop somehow?

    I mean, I've seen that done for auditory purposes in systems where all actions had to be logged or otherwise they were supposed to fail. But how do you do that not on purpose?
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