
Ok guys. I have a very important question to ask you.
I need your help. How do you explain to your girlfriend/boyfriend that you are a developer so you need to spend a lot of time on your computer? My new girlfriend does not want to understand.
Thanks guys.

  • 8
    strange.. are you sure she doesn't understand? or does she not WANT to understand?
  • 6
    That sounds like a red flag. Save yourself bro!
  • 1
    Haha yeah she not want..
  • 0
    But I spend about 16h/day on it. Maybe it's my fault...
  • 0
    @Alice not all the time but often! My ex girlfriend never had a problem with that
  • 2
    Teach her how to program :)
  • 0
    @Alice I did not think about that. :P I'm bad about relationships
  • 0
    @Hizen why do u spend 16h/day ???
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    @rangler I'm in love with React :/
  • 0
    @Hizen so you aren't working, its just a hobby?
  • 0
    @Hizen as alice said, you are in a relationship with her to be with her. If you're spending all your free time programming, you are the one in fault imo
  • 3
    @rangler my hobby is my work. I work with React, Vue etc. But I choose to not separate my personal and professional life. But u r right it's hard to be in a relationship with my situation. With a little thought I think she's finally right.
    I gonna try to spend less time on my computer but it's will be hard. Resolution for 2018 ;)
  • 1
    My girlfriend lives 50 miles away, so not a big issue for me. But 16 hours is a bit much, if you spend 8 hours asleep then you're literally spending all your waking hours on a device... Try to disconnect a little, good for your health, regardless of your relationship.
  • 0
    You should be able to work without your girl dictating how you spend your time. Long term you need to have part of your life for yourself. That said; when not understanding you spend 16 hours a day on a computer I'd say she and @Alice are completely right she signed up for a relation with you not a programmer working zoo.
  • 1
    @hjk101 "a programmer working zoo" hahaha You killed me bro X)
  • 1
    devRanters don't have GIRLFRIENDS!!!
  • 3
    Some of us do have girlfriends. I am not working from home, so most of my programming is done at work where my girlfriend is not. But I had to work on keeping a healthy work-life-balance for her sake and mine.
  • 1
    @electronix Stop lying to yourself
  • 0
    @JonnyCodewalker Don't blame me for speaking the truth, it had to be said!
  • 0
    Say it is work and/or important for you.
    If she does not respect that or she does not give a shit or does not eant to let go, you have to start thinking on what you are willing to let go or not.
  • 0
    @busuu hmm ok
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