
I am going to make a prediction. C++ and Rust will be pitted against each other in a political manner. C++ will be likened to far right and Rust will be likened to far left.

It won't make sense, but it will be used to try and make language choice some political garbage. Rather than technical merits. There is already a Boomers use C/C++ and enlightened programmers use Rust kind of thing going. End of prediction.

DARPA has decided there is a consensus of programmers saying C needs to be replaced by Rust or some bullshit. Whenever I see "consensus" I automatically read "we decided for you".

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    and I'm over here having issues with the most popular HTTP library on rust because it was built like garbage

    I hope it doesn't become that because I'm not politically left and a bunch of politically left things feel like a waste of my time. they should build the language and stop whining about unrelated things

    what's the programming language for libertarians. I'd enjoy whining about that at least
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    It's more about being conservative/progressive, but that applies to new C++ standards as well.
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    Seems like just about everything else is politicized, especially if it should have nothing to do with politics at all, so I wouldn't bet against you. Why make this specific prediction though?
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    @nosoup4u I see whiffs of this in some forums. I also see activism which I don't think belongs in some programming communities. I tend to avoid those communities. I mean, we have enough politics internally. We don't need to add the external politics as well. Maybe voicing this as a concern will help head it off? I dunno.
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    Nah, it's going to take 100+ years to replace c/c++ legacy with Rust. I don't mind being paid cobol wage for doing c++ just because idiots decided to cancel some programming language.

    Cancel doesn't work in programming like in showbusiness. It might work in short term but wait 5 years and shortage of people would put wages to the moon.

    Most of of Rust libraries are just wrap up around legacy c/c++ libraries anyway. When speaking about Rust everyone talks about new projects and thats like 0.01% of code.
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    C programmers switching to Rust:
    unsafe {
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    But realistically this is only going to effect government contractors
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    @atheist I know, and it fucking sucks. Not sure there is enough in between them where I work.
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    The prominent areas in which you could have a reasonable social, moral and political discussion would be mostly tied to software freedom or user privacy -- because they're generally non-technical matters.

    Other than that you have, for the better part, people hyperfixating on naming as everything else is beyond their comprehension; forced nomenclature changes, like branch renaming or what have you.

    Some years ago, I read a random article talking about the misogynistic-heteronormative-patriarchal male-dominated-industry word salad, true to some degree. I don't remember what was it's point, if it had one. But the thing that stuck with me is the author was amazed at a kid who wrote a function called destroy_the_patriarchy.

    I can giggle at this, unlike the author, because I understand the uselessness of it. Changing the names of things doesn't change their nature, but how would they know? They don't even malloc. To them its shit can be non-binary. Also true, but not how they think.
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    Doesn’t matter. JavaScript will kill everything
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