
I think up dumb shit too. I should be a CEO...

Logitech is my favorite mouse vendor. This is a stain on their reputation. This and the AI shit they are marketing. Why the fuck do companies ruin their products? I actively avoid subscriptions and companies that offer them.

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    they've been brainwashed

    there's an economist that thinks those globalists or whatever we wanna call them (god so many names) are trying to total the economies in 2-3 years to do the world government thing

    current era is terrifying like stories I'd hear from my family members of USSR. my mom had several copes she never quite lost when she immigrated to Canada, which I thought were paranoid and ridiculous, but every day I understand how they're gonna be necessary for what's coming
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    Nearly all publicly traded company CEOs have a fiduciary responsibility for profits, either real or imaginary (aka subscriptions = 'future growth'). and they answer to stakeholders, not customers.

    Very likely the announcement was to satisfy some "SAY ANYTHING!" directive to appease a board of directors who read in their trade magazine that subscriptions is the new cash cow.
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    @PaperTrail they are currently in damage control. Stocks been dropping.
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    "In 2030 you'll own nothing, not even a mouse, and be happy"
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    @PaperTrail subscriptions are the new fad (sorta, it's been in the tech business idea sphere since 2016 slowly gaining traction)

    it's normalizing rent-seeking, because it hasn't 100% captured the economy yet therefore it must

    you will own nothing and you will be happy

    if you suffocate everyone to the last penny the economy will grind to a halt because no one will be able to afford anything extra to experiment with. it's communism all over again!
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    It was just a prank bro haha don’t take it seriously bro of course I wouldn’t do that you silly haha
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    @jestdotty but all the times before didn't do it "correctly". This time will be different.

    I really don't see communism or fascism differently from each other:

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    Logitech is the least shitty mouse manufacturer. Their hardware is okish but their software always sucks.
    I’m still using a blue MX510 from 2004 or so.
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    @jestdotty I'm sure it's not all of them, at least locally here, the Libertarians seem to want near anarchy.

    For example, they want to privatize Fire, Police, and 911 services where, for example, if you want fire protection, you pay a monthly/yearly fee. I know that's much different than what we do now with taxes, but that sort of scheme will lead to a tiered plan of

    Level 1 $5 a month : Put fire out with buckets of dirt

    Level 2 $50 a month: Put fire out with buckets of water (owner must provide their own water)

    Level 3 $100 a month: Put fire out with the water hose attached to the house

    Platinum Level $500 a month: Installation of a dedicated fire hydrant, full fire truck services, life saving options, and stuffed animals for the kids.

    Knowing 99% of folks will chose option 1, and when they call 911...


    911: "Oh, I'm sorry, you are level 1, but we can upgrade you. Will that be credit card or venmo?"
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    Most western anarchists are just CIA assets at this point. Anarchism is a joke ideology to those living the 3rd world; it was real socialism to those living in Cuba, Chile, Vietnam, etc.
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    I mean look, a global revolution isn't coming to save us but the good news is we still have each other 🥰

    Hopefully an economy geared towards meeting human needs which incentivizes cooperation and collective effort will generate some better social conditions?
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    @jestdotty sounds like the shit tree of American society has sown shit seeds everywhere and now we're reaping the shit harvest of increased mass violence, lack of empathy and general social fuckiness

    also your friends abandoned you because you got sick from a vaccine? damn
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