
Dear web devs,

PLEASE learn how to (or teach/inform your clients) correctly target ads.

Thank You

Also, WTF??? and even WZF?!?! Who created this? Furthermore who the hell paid for this to be an ad, what are they trying to achieve and how tf do they think this will achieve that???

In case you're wondering what i was looking up on thesaurus.com, or would like to assume/blame this ad on my browsing history, cookies and/or something like google listening in the background through my mic... nope. Looked up "adage" and im waaay too adept at cybersecurity and easily annoyed by anything doing something i didnt explicitly tell it to.

if you're ignorant of the google listening thing:
yes this is totally a real thing that the vast majority of Smartphone users have no clue is happening despite it being in t&c. Try a few, somewhat relevant to this topic, google searches and youll find suggested searches like "can my phone read my mind?".
I tend to explicitly ban shit like that on everything (even devices of anyone on my property that never logged into my internet... im not paranoid, just not a fan of tech doing things i didnt tell it to)... but when i needed to enable/allow it on a dev for 30min, the next time i went to look for a book, one of the top suggestions (before typing anything) was "Burmese Pythons"... i looked back at my activity for that 30min days ago... I had been explaining some basic python code to a kid from myanmar... so it was pretty amusing.

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    we are going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship..
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    I saw those same exact adhd ads and thought damn whoever made this doesn’t know shit

    The big brains behind this campaign would likely ask me to stop taking my adderall meds and focus on my chakras or some shit to “cure” my own adhd
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    There’s also been a whole marketing trend into using ADHD impulsive buying habits to sell organizer apps. Seriously that’s beyond inhumane.
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    I really don't think whether one has ADHD should play a role in deciding whether something is infidelity.

    But then, I don't think thoughts can be immoral so maybe my opinion is unpopular
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    Close some tabs bro damn
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    @Chewbanacas i disagree

    1. As someone with severe ADHD, I use many organisers. I'm also autistic and get easily annoyed at things like organisers not being specific enough for me... so end up using Frankenstein-esq methods to rectify this, which wastes time. If I'm being subjected to ads anyways, it's less of a waste of my time if it's something i may be interested in. (but i dont allow stuff tracking me w\o explicitly allowing per instance)

    2. If they are THAT impulsive and uninhibited, low stakes targeting is more helpful than not. It's for the same reason that i think it is a societal issue and ultimately inhumane to do things like bring someone food because they have, due to their own will\lack of effort, become too obese to physically obtain food or a parental figure handling all\most issues and\or daily life tasks of a typical child\'adult' teenage and beyond (initial discussions with teachers, laundry, everything monetary, etc).

    that thinking creates incompetent snowflakes
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    Im also physically handicapped and anyone who knows me, knows damn well, i accept help only when necessary... and tend to create solutions for repetitive impedances so then i won't need assistance. it's not a pride thing or some effort to prove myself. it's simple logic imo. just like babies need to learn how to crawl, walk and talk. if a caregiver continuously brings them everything they show interest in and over-anticipates (or quickly deduces) their preferences and needs, then jumps to fulfill them... the kid will be very behind in development. there's plenty of official studies proving lack of verbal skills, coordination, and several other things that can seriously effect their lives as they grow... feel free to google it.

    (yeah, i have a personal bone to pick here... but if a physically handicapped, autistic\adhd person doesn't\shouldnt elaborate on a stance with issues like this, who should?)
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    @localpost not a bro... and no, it's an android dev not a pc... so unless clicked, those tabs are essentially hyperlinks with great thumbnails.

    if it was a pc, id totally be the first to point out a tab issue.
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    @jestdotty i was reading\responding in order... glad to see im not the only one with that sentiment.

    biggest pet peeve of mine is when people (typically mostly irl) jump to 'defend' or 'help' me. it's happened often when im physically ill (which has been the majority of my life) or stuff like at events or crowded places with limited seating. there's even a handful (or a few) people that i wouldn't date or tolerate as friends because, even after being explicitly told(with explanation) to not do that crap, they still did. stuff like calling out some rando as rude(etc) because they didnt hold a door open when i had an obvious limp, insisting that i should have priority over a line of people or some other accommodations that i never requested.

    i even had a guy who started an argument with some manager at a bar because he looked up my handicap (rsd aka crps) and found out that the vibrations from bass cause pain. he took it upon himself to go insist that they modify the band's sound.
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    @jestdotty im pretty sure you've seen what i look like?
    it's quite deceptive. i, very often, have random people calling me "sweetie", "angel" or any other bs that hits a similar note. my friends made a game of attempting to call me something like that without bursting into laughter... so far everyone has lost.

    I used to have no face piercings and my blonde hair was MUCH longer... i thought the commentary mightve changed with the different appearance-- nope.

    so i embraced it. tbh it's often amusing. like when a guy tries to explain something thats based in electrical or physics to me-- the one they perceive as some adorable, sweet, innocent blonde... so i ask them about something WAY above their level, then give an asshole explanation of how my question was actually directly tied to what they thought they were educating me on.

    i like the reactions, like everything they thought they knew in the world suddenly shatters for a minute, til they reevaluate every shard. highly amusing imo
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    @jestdotty maybe you just need to learn how to use those types for personal enjoyment.
    imo, people handle those circumstances the wrong way. yea i totally get that there's some emotional reasons and urge to respond back in a harsh manner that proves them wrong. but that's so linear and common that it doesn't teach the naïve imbeciles anything and also seems to leave the other person with a sour, much harder to rectify, disposition.

    imo most situations, its simple, and much more fulfilling (and entertaining, plus often teaching a lesson) if lured into a false sense of security first... then unequivocally stripped of that security when they least expect it.

    it's like guys that yell out cat calls... they expect to be insulted\sworn at... so no impact or actually encouraging. convince them it actually worked to spark interest, but give them a number to a pork slaughter house or lesbian activist group... maybe they stfu more, but at least your memory of the encounter is amusing.
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    i understand... genuinely. ive been winning contests i never knew about, much less entered, since i was 7... and i dont mean just a few occurrences.

    people tend to follow me... and often for abilities and for reasons i don't get. asking why makes it worse... those trying to follow me get more set on that because suddenly im an amplified lvl of "humble" and more above them\right to follow\deity-esq... others split- new groupies or believing i have some master evil plan of manipulating the masses for some seemingly random end-game and\or some egotistical dominance\control.

    biggest irony? I totally dislike being in charge of things... including my own businesses. but it's even more fucked up (whether a hs group project or businesses) to just bow out, making the goal impossible or harder to achieve cuz 'i dont wanna'

    my solution: find some massive, effort\time consuming thing to build with little comparability to anything else. work at whatever necessary for that goal.
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    @awesomeest found one! My phone knows I have adhd lol
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    oh... i also deal with a type of this daily with anyone new im talking to...
    my vocabulary (esp in English) is ridiculously high... like higher than over 95% of collegiate english profs high (i dont just mean american ones)...

    if i dont dumb down my vocab when talking to some random people (ex, a magic the gathering tourney... esp if vs me. then they are already annoyed a rando, aloof seeming, blonde girl is effortlessly kicking their ass)... theres a steep chance that they will internally label the encounter as me trying to make them feel dumb\like im 'better' than them... with or without them saying anything to me then (often turns into a landmine minutes to years later).

    if i dont gauge their vocab level specifically enough, so they notice that im avoiding 'big' words... that's exponentially worse cuz now (to them) im directly treating them as dumb, and in need of a handicap.

    only non-powder-keg is knowing their lvl then going slightly above it.

    bs and exhausting.
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    i seriously want to meet the person coming up with these ads... not the one saying there needs to be ads about adhd creating infidelity... though id be eager for that too (i assume itd just boil down to some thinly veiled poorly executed capitalism... im all for capitalism, which makes the failures and poor execution varieties much more loathesome to me)....

    i wanna meet the designer...
    questions for them:

    1. Is it acid? pcp? unique strain of shrooms (if so id greatly appreciate a spore print or culture), ketamine (check all that apply, ofc)
    or is their condition physical\genetic... schizophrenia? brain damage (syphilis, a seizure disorder, etc)?

    2. Why butterflies???

    3. Is the person spewing out butterflies? imagining them? trying to eat them? yelling\enraged at them???

    4. is he blind or just closed eyes? why? either answer

    5. the baldness

    6. Howd they get this job???

    7. are those lines meant to be veins or attempts to break free from a Medusa-caused state?
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    Humanity is mostly ass.

    I never wanted to be popular either. My biggest failure in life so far... in high school i tried to not be popular. I only half-assed it because i figured, im fat, a nerd, not socialising with any of them and i started off a few weeks into freshman year making some jv football player in my homeroom mad cuz after forgetting his name 3x he refused to tell me again so i told him "...well i need to call you something... i guess ill call you fred." (Apparently this really stuck around though i dont think people knew it was me)... theni was gone having surgeries etc til the 2nd semester.
    I literally had my hair long and down so i could have earbuds from my 80gb ipod (60gb was to use as back up for when i fixed computers) in my pocket go under my uniform to my ear, all day, everyday.

    1st day, 2nd sem, senior yr, mock election results were announced (i literally wasnt enrolled in that schoom 1st sem)... apparently i broke a record for winning so many -.-
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    Btw.... i did first consider it was like in movies/tv when they vote the ugly/unpopular af girl as homecoming queen... nope.
    Most likely to be future president
    Most unforgettable
    2nd in Class Sleeper (bunch of classmates signed a paper plate 2wks after (slept through 2 classes, 1 wasnt mine) saying i shouldve won... idr any of their names)

    There was 2 others, one was a 2nd place... idr right now.

    Im likely part of humanity being shit. I'm still unsure if i was a bully... eh i can blame it on the autism if needed.

    Since hs and a bit of college, Ive found out nearly a dozen guys had major crushes on me but something i unwittingly did made them believe i had something against them... apparently ive always been "naturally intimidating af" no one can really explain how. I know i broke several hearts-- misinterpreted my friends warnings "just dont fuck with love".

    I now know ~200 people genuinely hoping to befriend me, felt intimidated and/or rejected. So, am i a bully?
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    @awesomeest I said myself I want to know who the fuck is the master brain who came up with these wild misconceptions about what ADHD actually is and what the symptoms are. And what this person is like/ where he/she/it (probably some crazy AI ad spambot) works, who they work FOR and what rat king runs the rats nest where this spam is made at.

    If a living person made this I’m depicting some lady in her 50’s with hair down to her ankles, rimmed up glasses like Garth from Wayne’s World, operating from a rented out warehouse space in Oregon who’s on a strict diet of moss, limabeans, sunflower seeds and hash, weighs 90lbs, and has numerous ancient Chinese and Indian herbs strewn around with a bs degree in Alternative Yogic Healing with a double minor in Chakra Chanting and Folk Yodels from Atlantic Online College

    She’s been arrested numerous times for laying out in the street to protest gas emissions.

    Her partner is a Shanghai Spam Agency above the chicken slaughter house
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    @jestdotty it’s a neurodiversion, causes differences in certain behaviors but yeah begging to be excused for shit like committing crimes bc “Im adhd” is not gonna fly anywhere and you’re still going to jail. You should still know basic right from wrong unless you’re big time intellectually handicapped
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    oh i dont feel i owe them shit lol
    i guess im more questioning what's the defining factor in being a bully... if its base selfishness, than i am... if it's inflicting some type of pain, same... if it requires intent to inflict whatever... then nope
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