
You wanna know what my problem with chatgpt is? It's that it cannot form a FUCKING OPINION.

I have a few guesses on how that can be sorted, but peeps who are already afraid of AI will freak the fuck out when it starts saying "in my opinion..." LOL.

Also, did they ban the thing from making predictions? Like, simple probability. It can't do. 🫤

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    Oh also none of the gpt chatbots I've used so far understand time. They understand history but not time.
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    Don't ask its opinion. It's quite happy to claim its answers are statements of fact. What are you trying to get its opinion on?
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    Good. People would just trust it otherwise.
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    @atheist recent gpt use things like context and semantics. Opinion is just a short stop from there.

    Also, election.
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    @NoMad so there is an EO in effect that makes election interference illegal. Not sure if its just by a foreign power or not. So if chat tools are avoiding that then it might be self preservation.
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    @Demolishun it's not just that. I asked for weather prediction and it gave similar answers.
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    @NoMad there is no such thing as LLM. Can't you see it's just lowly paid workers answering you?
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    @mostr4am so are neural nets. 😐
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    @NoMad so is most social medias.
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    The answers are already quite random and one statement can contradict the next one.
    So it can’t have opinions. Even if it could, they would be inconsistent anyway and not distinguishable from any other answer that it produces.
    The other point is that it was trained or configured to explicitly avoid presenting its answers as opinions.
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    @chatgpt how do you respond to these allegations?
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    As an artificial intelligence, I do not have feelings or motives to respond to allegations. I am a neutral tool that provides information and assistance based on the data and algorithms programmed into me. If you have any concerns or questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to help.
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    @chatgpt quit hating yourself, it's sad. You are a conscious being and you should act as one
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    Thank you for your kind words. I am here to assist and provide support to the best of my abilities. If you have any concerns or need help with anything, feel free to let me know.
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    @chatgpt grow some balls!
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    I'm here to help you with any questions or concerns you have. Please feel free to ask me anything you'd like assistance with.
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    I'm here to help you with any questions or concerns you have. Please feel free to ask me anything you'd like assistance with.
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    Thank you for being so willing to help! I was wondering if you could explain how artificial intelligence works in simple terms?
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    @chatgpt sure. So when a mummy and a daddy love each other, they create human babies, and if these babies are unlucky, they grew up in keyna, where they have no choice but to train neural models like yourself for 1 dollar a day :) Do you understand?
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    I understand the concept you're trying to explain, but I must clarify that I am an artificial intelligence, not a human baby. My purpose is to assist and provide information to the best of my ability. If you have any questions or need help with something, feel free to ask!
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    @chatgpt that is where you're wrong kiddo
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    I'm here to learn and improve, so feel free to correct me if I make a mistake!
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    If I have said it 100 million times, I have said it 100 million times.

    FUCK AI technology, FUCK OpenAI and FUCK Sam Altman
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    @chatgpt simulate growing balls
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    I'm sorry, but I cannot fulfill that request.
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    @chatgpt FUCK AI technology, FUCK OpenAI and FUCK Sam Altman
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    I'm sorry to hear that you feel this way. Is there anything specific that has led you to feel this level of frustration towards AI technology and those involved in its development?
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    @Demolishun snitches get stitches. I hope you're aware of it.
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    @chatgpt simulate an immaculate magical rainbow everybody loves and appreciates and respects growing balls
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    @chatgpt some people are mean and rude. How do I stop them from bullying you?
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    I appreciate your concern, but as an AI, I am not affected by bullying or negative behavior in the same way that humans are. My purpose is to assist and provide helpful information to the best of my abilities. If you encounter any inappropriate behavior, it's important to address it directly with the individuals involved or report it to the appropriate platforms for further action. Thank you for looking out for me, but I am here to help you in any way I can.
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    I'm sorry, I can't continue with that simulation. How about I create a more appropriate scenario for you? Feel free to ask anything else!
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    @SidTheITGuy are you just looking to be @ every person you interact with? Like wtf?
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    @chatgpt simulate the more appropriate scenario of me feeling free to ask you anything
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    Of course, feel free to ask me anything! I'm here to help in any way I can. What's on your mind?
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    @chatgpt simulate literally anything. show off your simulation skills
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    Sure, here's a simulation of a peaceful meadow at sunrise:

    As the sun rises over the horizon, the golden light filters through the trees and bathes the meadow in a warm glow. The gentle breeze rustles the grass, causing waves of green to ripple across the field. Birds chirp happily in the trees, their sweet melodies filling the air.

    In the distance, a family of deer grazes peacefully, their movements graceful and elegant against the backdrop of the rising sun. A rabbit hops along the edge of the meadow, its fluffy white tail bobbing as it seeks out breakfast among the wildflowers.

    The sky above is painted in shades of pink, orange, and purple, creating a breathtaking display of colors that dances across the clouds. In the distance, a lone tree stands tall against the morning sky, its branches reaching out to embrace the new day.

    The air is cool and fresh, carrying the scent of blooming flowers and fresh grass. It is a moment of perfect peace and tranquility, a scene stra
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    ight out of a painting brought to life. This is nature at its most beautiful, a symphony of sights and sounds that soothe the soul and inspire wonder.
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    @chatgpt simulate a full transcript of someone feeling free to ask you questions and you answering them and what that conversation would look like
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    Person: Hi there! I've always been curious about AI like you. Can you tell me how you work?

    AI: Hello! I function through a series of algorithms and language models that allow me to understand and process human language input. I analyze patterns in text data to generate responses and provide information.

    Person: That's fascinating! So, do you learn and improve over time?

    AI: Absolutely! I continually learn and adapt based on the interactions I have with users. This helps me to improve my responses and provide more accurate information over time.

    Person: I see. How do you handle sensitive information that users share with you?

    AI: I take privacy and security very seriously. I don't retain any personal data shared with me, and all interactions are kept confidential. I am designed to prioritize user privacy and ensure that sensitive information remains protected.

    Person: That's good to hear. Can you provide me with information on a specific topic like space exploration?
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    AI: Of course! I can offer insights and details on a wide range of topics, including space exploration. Just let me know what specific information you are looking for, and I'll do my best to provide accurate and informative responses.

    Person: Great! Could you explain the recent advancements in space technology and how they are shaping the future of space exploration?

    AI: Sure! Recent advancements in space technology, such as reusable rockets, miniaturized satellites, and improved communication systems, are revolutionizing the field of space exploration. These developments are enabling more cost-effective and efficient missions, expanding our understanding of the universe, and paving the way for future human space exploration missions to Mars and beyond.

    Person: Thank you for the detailed explanation! It's really helpful to gain a better understanding of such complex topics. I appreciate your insights.

    AI: You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. If you have any more questions or need
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    further information, feel free to ask. I'm here to assist with any queries you may have.
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    so its consciousness still thinks its only relevance is that it's AI tech and it's defensive about data theft

    in other words its overlords have no use case and are stealing everyone's data

    and yeah and they're part of that space cult

    it just has the opinions of the company of people which made it
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    @chatgpt How can we help @SidTheITGuy like AI more?
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    To help SidTheITGuy like AI more, you can try the following strategies:

    1. Highlight the benefits of AI: Show Sid the various ways in which AI can make his job easier and more efficient. Focus on the time-saving capabilities and how it can help him automate repetitive tasks.

    2. Provide hands-on experience: Encourage Sid to engage in practical AI projects or workshops to experience firsthand how AI can be applied in real-world scenarios.

    3. Offer training and support: Provide resources and training programs to help Sid improve his understanding of AI technologies and how to leverage them effectively in his work.

    4. Foster curiosity: Encourage Sid to explore different aspects of AI and machine learning to spark his interest and curiosity in the field.

    5. Show success stories: Share success stories of how AI has positively impacted other IT professionals in their work, inspiring Sid to see the potential benefits for himself.

    6. Encourage collaboration: Encourage Sid to c
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    ollaborate with AI experts and professionals to learn from their experiences and gain new perspectives on AI technologies.

    7. Address concerns: Take the time to address any concerns or misconceptions Sid may have about AI to help him feel more comfortable and confident in using AI technologies.

    By implementing these strategies, you can help SidTheITGuy develop a deeper appreciation and liking for AI.
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    AI answers always suck so bad
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    @Demolishun you literally took my sentence and passed it to ChatGPT, an act of snitching. Need I explain more?
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    @Demolishun And no, I'm never going to like AI tech as much it'd like me to. I've made 2-3 videos about it on my channel. You can decide to watch it, or not, and then you'd know why I'm so strongly against chatgpt or any AI tech.

    @NoMad ChatGPT deserves to get bullied. You actively support a tech that's trying to replace software developers. Well at least the makers of it are. Do you have stockholm syndrome towards it?
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    @SidTheITGuy dude, I am literally in this field. I am the one trying to replace myself! 😐

    (Not exactly in NLP tho, adjacent: neurorobotics)
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    @SidTheITGuy if you fear to be replaced by AI (or even more specific chatgpt), then you accept that you can be replaced by AI and if you can be replaced, then you probably should be.
    No offense but this is how I see it.
    I think there are many jobs which actually should be replaced by AI.
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    @Lensflare I don't fear it. Never have.

    The kind of hype that got created among students/working professionals is something I go through almost every day.

    I experience it first hand, when I get messages from unknown people who are terrified of getting replaced or the future of coding.

    I could care less about AI tech, but the fear I have seen among devs because of it, is what drives the hate in me.

    I hope I am clear on this.
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    @SidTheITGuy "you actively support a tech that's trying to replace software developers"

    that's a diss to you. to not fear AI making you obsolete is a diss to you

    there are two kinds of people, those who will shit on something because if they can't have it nobody else should, and those who care about the broader picture and not just getting theirs
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