Unironically has "Blockchain Engineer" in their LinkedIn title...

yeah, good luck with life you fucking asshat




just kidding, see you again in 5 years

i'd rather keep my head down and continuing earning 5K+ passive than deal with you groveling clowns who think you have it made because you have a youtube channel - every gen Zer has like 10 of those

read >>>> sidtheitclown

  • 9
    Okay, so you aren't dead. I owe people here a bit of money now.
  • 3
    I missed the clown emojis. With this post I have enough of them for surviving one year, thank you.
  • 3
    @Demolishun completely not related tho this rant, but you told me that Americans were protecting the poppy fields right? It was really true, Now they're gone, the Taliban destroyed all these poppy fields. Results is bad heroin quality in England. A side effect of that is that they started to use worse drugs. Natazines or smth. But of course, that's not the Taliban problem. They actually did smth good. Why did the Americans protect the poppy fields? I only can imagine bad stuff now. What side are they on in the war of drugs? The Taliban almost ended a drug crisis (if the users didn't find a new drug). I'm amazed, i thought that they were the cause of such things
  • 4
    @retoor so from what I gather the USA has been fueling black projects with drugs, human trafficking, all the normal stuff, extortion, etc. Why? That goes into the really weird stuff that makes someone sound like a nutjob. All I know is Phil Schneider was killed because of this. He ratted out some of this stuff back in 2001 ish time frame. He even called out elected officials being pedophiles back then. They eventually murdered him. What was his job? Digging tunnels underground for underground cities. It just gets wilder from there.

    Also, I have heard that the deep state (all the baddies in government) have stolen in excess of 100 trillion dollars from wall street. All to fuel some expensive shit I don't understand. Like space ships and stuff. That is where it gets weird. Don't know if the weird stuff is true, but why do they need all that money?
  • 2
    @retoor the world is run by an international crime syndicate

    the CIA and five eyes profit off these, it's their sources of dark money for off the books operations. but this syndicate existed before them

    they profit off 3 things: human trafficking, drug trafficking, weapons trafficking

    same people that did the opioid wars

    @Demolishun idk anything about the space ships... but Israel does have a patent on what those "UFO whistleblowers" think they're gonna uncover. I do believe they kept some stealth plane tech hidden for 50 years. the UFO tech needs an energy source that's more powerful than what we have though -- I think that's been figured out also. bunch of scientists mysteriously missing or killed around this

    there's also perfectly working hologram tech that you can project into the clouds. they'll probably use that for some religious angle if it comes down to that
    also tech to beam audio wirelessly into a skull only the person can hear. religious experience
  • 2
    @cafecortado I’ll make good use of those for js topics.
  • 2
    What’s your problem with sid?
  • 3
    @Lensflare I have no idea bruh, but it feels nice knowing that I live rent free in his head.
  • 1
    @Demolishun 100 trillion must show up somewhere and should be missing somewhere, this even for government not pocket money. Who actually are the people who pay SpaceX to blow up rockets? I am bit sceptic about such stories, that's why the poppy thing amazed me. It's so possible. But spaceships anyway, we don't have the tech to really travel with such things. Afaik with our current theories we would never go further than mars or our physics has to change / found wrong. Also, not that I believe there's an elite (deep state, sure), they know that the world is find and don't need a spaceship. Whherefor would the underground cities be? Maybe against smth nuclear? Can't imagine other reason. You won't live for fun underground. Also, it's a bit big to hide. But I have a bizarre thing I saw with my own eyes but nobody believes me. People just don't believe weird stuff if you can't verify on internet. So, it's easy to become a complot theory why it's real. What I know is recycling corruption
  • 1
    @retoor there was a comet or something they thought might hit earth during Obama administration. So they flew him to Colorado. The Colorado airport has a bunch of underground stuff. I think it might actually be connected to Mountain Home base. It is like a command center.

    That is why I don't say the weird stuff. There is no way to confirm any of it. As far as tech goes, I think the military has stuff we only dream about.
  • 2
    @jestdotty those religious things won't work. If people would see a real miracle or whatever, they apply for mental hospital themselves. I know a woman that invested a lot in church and deeply religious and therefor was hospitalized. What's the difference between manic behavior and a good Christian regarding this factors? To let her not do harm to herself (spending all that money), she now is locked up and lost her home. "To help her". You're only allowed for certain time at a facility, so she gets transferred to the next every year. Now I don't know where she is. There must be a reason the church community doesnt stand in for he, telling she's not crazy.. I should've asked more questions. I've spend months living with her and noticed nothing wrong but did see her getting accused of lying while she didn't.. To a schizofrenic you can say what you want (her diagnose) and saw it get abused.

    Being religius didn't help her. Keep it for yourself I you see a miracle. That time we live in
  • 1
    @retoor here is a good example. Quantum supremacy. Remember when Google leaked they achieved quantum supremacy, then backtracked and got all quiet about it? My guess is the military maybe already reached that and it is a black project, or they made Google shut up and made it a black project. Any kind of extremely fast computing tech is a clear advantage over your enemies.
  • 1
    @jestdotty now I don't know where she is. I want to visit her but they'll never tell where she is and on top of that I don't have a last name. Lost in the system. She can tell the whole world about her situation but who believes someone who's locked up for "imaginary thoughts"? Doctors trusting eachothers opinions. A schizofrenic diagnose is very hard to get or to get rid off since it can very rarely occur if it's true. So, actually, e en one "doctor" (psychiatrist) can ruin you when using schizophrenia as diagnosis
  • 2
    @Demolishun I also believe in AI supremacy. I don't think we're getting the most up to date models. I think with the uncensored one can give awesome answers to questions, really logical based on his data, and are prolly not hallucinating at all. A lot of conclusions that make sense but rather not become public. You can probably ask it how to end a race. It'll give war advise
  • 1
    @retoor Americans protected poppy fields because it's a huge part of that economy. Protect anything there, and it could very well be a poppy field. USA had no nefarious interest in furthering the drug trade.
  • 0
    @Demolishun a commet should have been spotted by many people who watch into space for hobby I guess. Also, would Obama or any president be saved? We know now they're all complete idiots right? But the underground stuff at airport I've heard before. That airport even has signs about that hanging for fun right? They marketed the theorie
  • 0
    @bosslogic wow, that's a huge part of their economy... You know that their earnings there costs American economy money right? Fuck their economy in that case. Junkies are expensive. Americans shouldn't be protecting stuff that disables their people. They did.

    Also, "protect anything there, and it could be very well be a poppy field" isn't the first time I've heard it. You watched smth about it?

    No, there's no valid reason in the world to protect much poppy fields that is ethical
  • 1
    @retoor I think the idea was that they would protect certain areas while trying to get xyz people on their side, during war time. So, we guard your stuff from Taliban if you rat on where they are. etc. etc. it just so happened, that the "stuff" was often poppy. But, I'm no expert.
  • 2



    The CIA tried to say this was by "accident". There is no dispute they put cocaine in the inner cities targeting black people. I think one CIA agent went to jail and another disciplined. But the government only did "bad things" in the past. They aren't still doing it...

    The US government has a history of supporting the drug trade.
  • 0
    @bosslogic does make sense and also gives Taliban reason to destroy the poppy fields now. So it could be that they destroyed it not because of trying to be a good guy, but just because they ratted them out. I did think about this btw
  • 0
    @mostr4am heh, fuck. Fox News always got the good people
  • 0
    @bosslogic idk why I'm surprised by this massive apologist stretch opinion you just gave lmao

    also damnit now I really want some pastries with poppy seeds on them. God I have so much to do
  • 1
    @mostr4am wasn't the panda almost extinct bevause it was too lazy to fuck? This picture is not real, it's a meme
  • 0
    @mostr4am whaha, this is actually amazing. And they're doing the same - not spent a minute on hunter Biden laptop. They probably discussed the sex life of the humming bird during that period. They're just two sides of the same coin. A sucky coin
  • 2
    @mostr4am my friend saw a duck gangbang. He always talks about it when he's drunk. It must have been hardcore. Also, dolphins gangbang
  • 3
    @retoor don't dolphins rape people in the water?
  • 1
    @Demolishun why not? It's not that a dolphin jail exist or smth
  • 2
    dolphins will also kill child dolphins so that the woman dolphin will fuck them
  • 1
    @jestdotty as I said, there's no dolphin jail
  • 1
    @mostr4am as is the habit with conspiracy nuts, bigots, extremists, etc. on the internet, you did not read your own link, which describes, in detail, that this accusation against the CIA is false.
  • 1
    @mostr4am your evidence isn't even interested in the thing you're claiming.

    "the United States government's knowledge of those activities, however, are still the subject of debate, and it is beyond the scope of the OIG's investigation"
  • 1
    @mostr4am from what I understand Ted Kaczynski was one of their experiments.
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