
Thrilled to announce that I've been promised a promotion next year!

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    oh, my sweet summer child. so full of naivety and optimism.

    learn this: a promotion that is _promised_ is a promotion that you definitely will not get.
  • 4
    Do you have it on paper (or email) or just verbally?
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    @tosensei I was looking for this comment.

    @Lensflare do you think that OP would invest money into suing his employer if he didn't end up getting it next year?

    I think he'd think of it as a 'risk-to-reward' thing, investing money to fight a case against his company may result in his profile getting blacklisted across recruiters. It does seem like OP is from India, so chances are high that that can happen.

    OP would consider switching jobs instead so it's clean for his resume and get that 30% increment anyway.
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    @SidTheITGuy it’s not necessarily about suing. Just having a proof on paper could make a difference in a conversation where the guy insists on never having said that.
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    @jestdotty that’s why it’s good to have a proof on paper
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    @jestdotty obviously the proof has to be presented to someone else. And normally there is someone else.
    Shove your 70 IQ into your butt please.
    Your continuous arguing about obvious things is annoying.
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    @mostr4am you either give zero fucks and shut up, or you give a fuck and say something useful.
    Arguing for the sake of arguing is not useful.
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    @mostr4am useful to the conversation, to be specific.
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    @jestdotty someone with enough power, obviously. Why do you keep talking about what we both already know?
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    @jestdotty you are not discussing anything, you apparently find your joy in annoying people by arguing about shit that is obvious and then have the audacity to accuse your victim of being dumb.
    You played this game a couple of times with me already.
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    @jestdotty can you just shut up please? Play your games with someone else.
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    @jestdotty " I'm discussing a concept, not arguing."

    no, you're arguing about a concept.

    it's just that neither your position nor your arguments are any good whatsoever, so it probably _seems_ like a non-argument-discussion to you.
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    @mostr4am "I claim the right to be useless and just vibe in peace."

    just like a rock claims the right to be hard and heavy?
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    @Lensflare Classic case of "By the power of white girl, I am offended on your behalf"

    lmao I never intended to argue or start up a convo about what I said, all I wanted to say it doesn't matter if it's on paper or not.

    But the white racist cunt here by the name of @jestdotty picked up where I left off, and starting shitting all over you.
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    Yeah so there may have been a tinge (just a smidgen perhaps) of sarcasm in this post. I know this demographic has a serious problem with taking everything literally (see @tosensei who is basically a human version of Reddit), but give it a thought
  • 1
    happy for you, I'd just wait until i have proof of it to celebrate
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