
Apparently inverse sigmoid is how logits are calculated.

Here I am reinventing the fucking wheel.

  • 7
    I won't pretend that I'm even trying to begin to understand what any of this means 😁
  • 5
    @netikras I stopped wasting time trying.

    Most of the stuff as already been discovered. There are people out there that can catch a rocket with chopsticks... Why would I spend time and energy doing the same ? Always research first before learning or inventing something new.
  • 7
    Ah yes, I know some of those words!
  • 1
    Ah, okay.
    Whatever that means.

    All I know is that a sigmoid function basically... Uhhh...

    Something something neuronal networks and a threshold function.
  • 2
    tbh that's always nice to find

    I feel so validated!
  • 4
    There is a wheel that you can use for fucking? How do I not know about this? I don't think you can ever have enough fucking wheels.

    Edit: are we going to hear a story about some random dude getting his dick ripped off by a baseball thrower?
  • 2
    @Demolishun @Wisecrack
    Is the fucking wheel in the room with us?
  • 2
    @figoore new game show:

    "Wheel of Fucking!"
  • 1
    @jestdotty you stumble on shit thats already been discovered too?
  • 1
    @figoore It is always in the room. Always by our side, like a companion that never leaves.
  • 1
    @jestdotty my process and experience as well.

    Don't know what reduced your functioning but I'm sorry to hear it. What a nightmare.

    I think most people just enjoying reading cool shit even if I don't explain all of it. Technical details tend to bog shit down and the big picture gets lost in the minutiae. You can even see interest drop off the longer a post is, so usually I try to keep them at a couple pages max.

    Sometimes other Ranters will come in with "thats not possible" or "thats stupid", and either I realize it is, or I get to do the fun thing and say "but I just did."

    Btw, what kind of sickness was it? (if thats not prying too much)
  • 2
    @Wisecrack I don't know

    mysteriously got sick

    symptoms overlap most with vaccine injured

    left side where I got it and the areas where my circulation would've taken it seem to be the most harmed. so my bet is it was that

    I've been getting better since February though. slow but on the up and up. maybe in 2 years I'll be back to where I was before all this nonsense happened. don't plan on staying this way. also don't plan on taking people for their word in the future. was my lesson


    guess you're driven by the emotion of what seems coooool
  • 0
    @jestdotty who doesn't want to build cool shit?

    But no, its just what people are interested in.
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