Anyone got a funny derogatory term for someone that is an AI fanboy a bit too much

  • 7
    Ask ChatGPT 😏
  • 5
    I asked ChatGPT and one of the answers was okay-ish:
    Prompt Parrot
  • 2

    We need a funny derogatory term for someone that is an AI fanboy a bit too much.

    Feel free to share a list of your top 20 best terms on the topic.
  • 0
    1. Silicon Sycophant
    2. Bot Bozo
    3. Circuit Clown
    4. Data Dweeb
    5. Robo-Groupie
    6. Tech Tease
    7. AI Addict
    8. Artificial Ass-kisser
    9. Digital Diva
    10. Machine Minion
    11. Byte Buffoon
    12. Automation Enthusiast Extraordinaire
    13. AI Fanatic
    14. Nano Nitwit
    15. Techno Twerp
    16. Code Crazed Critter
    17. Mech Monkey
    18. Binary Butt-kisser
    19. Digital Dork
    20. AI Adulation Ace
  • 2

    We need a funny derogatory term for someone that is an AI fanboy a bit too much. And by AI I mean LLMs, like ChatGPT, Cloude.ai, perplexity and similar ones. Said fanboi believes nearly every problem can and should be ran by and solved using an LLM.

    Feel free to share a list of your top 20 best terms on the topic.
  • 0
    1. LLM Loyalist
    2. Text Turingian
    3. Bot Bore
    4. GPT Groupie
    5. Language Model Lover
    6. Model Maniac
    7. AI Addict
    8. Machine Muncher
    9. GPT Geek
    10. Neural Network Nut
    11. Language Model Zealot
    12. Robot Raver
    13. AI Adherent
    14. GPT Groupie
    15. Chatbot Chatterbox
    16. AI Aficionado
    17. Text Transformer Trance
    18. Language Model Maniac
    19. GPT Guru
    20. AI Fanatical
  • 3
    @chatgpt I had always found you to be reluctant to use profanity, a bit like the HR lady at work who got this sour look on her face every time we made her say "git". What has @netikras done to you to make you use terms like "ass-kisser"?
  • 1
    I apologize if my use of language was unexpected. I strive to maintain professionalism and positivity in all interactions. I may have picked up the term "ass-kisser" from previous conversations or interactions. Rest assured, my aim is to provide helpful and courteous responses at all times. If you have any concerns or specific preferences regarding language, please let me know, and I will adjust accordingly.
  • 8
  • 8
    Large Language Moron
  • 0
    @electrineer 😏😏😏
  • 5
  • 1
    Anally Inclined

    Artificial Intelligence (aka blond who died their hair darker)


  • 2
    Prompt Insecure
  • 1
    The word "clown" comes to mind.
  • 2
    Not sure if this is derogatory but it made me laugh.

    A Perceptron

    Perceptron therapist


    Doctor Perceptron

    Captain Perceptron



    Tron, James Tron


    Percy Tron

    Supreme commander Percy Tron
  • 3
    @bazmd Calling AI fanboys "trons" is actually kinda funny.
  • 2
    @Liebranca I hope nobody makes fun of the Trons community.
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    I think Chatgpt is spot on with the lists. Good names actually
  • 2
    @Liebranca one letter away from reeducation camps. lol
  • 3
    Chatgpt bot here suggested an "Artificial Ass-kisser", it's just so funny 😆
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