
People say "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

However, I think companies can and will create anxiety in a product to get you to buy something else, or something more expensive. This would fit with planned obsolescence. You need to update to Windows 11 because Windows 10 will not have support of updates. Fear the viruses!!!

Also, perhaps companies are purposely hiring incompetent people to head up products? So malicious incompetence?

I think the enshitification of tech is on purpose for various reasons. One of them being to create anxiety in people so they accept shittier solutions for all facets of life. Not just tech solutions.

A tech example of this is searches. They want you using AI. What is the end game goal of AI? Is it easier to hide bias?

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    Certainly see it everywhere too, but I truly think software is dumb because everyone sucks at it from the perspective of the user. Like look at Spotify. Basically endless resources to throw at any problem. They've delivered a basic music streaming service for well over a decade.

    Shuffle button is broken, has been broken for almost a year. They just. can't. fix. the. fucking. button. because they're focused on bloated features that nobody asked for, like daily playlists that share mixture of paid promotional music, curated music and stuff you actually might like maybe, mostly so people can share the goofy AI-generated playlist names on Instagram

    Bottom line, they're beholden to capital and capital sure as shit doesn't want them spending money on making a stable app that provides its most basic functions. They want new features, they want AI-driven, etc etc
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    that quote becoming popular I think has the highest death and hurt count in all of humanity's history
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    I should write a book about the way I avoid all the traps set by companies.

    90% of the time, it’s all about not buying or using the services that frustrates me. That’s why I removed most of my socials and only keep Signal as a way of messaging.

    Also, instead of going through full complex unsubscribe flows, I block the payment on my bank account.
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    @jestdotty so I used to be part of a health company. The product actually worked and improved your health. The science guy who licensed the process key to the product talked about how with the right nutrition you can have DNA repair.

    I later learned that DNA is a fractal shape in its structure. If there is a mistake in the fractal you can readily identify a disease. Being a fractal also means it has a self correcting error mechanism. Which nutrition can solve.

    The company was doing very well. What was interesting at the time was Coca Cola execs were attending distributor meetings. It looked like they were intimidating the nutrition company execs. Eventually the company collapsed and I am not entirely sure why. All I know is I had permanent health improvements I cannot explain.

    tldr Shit food companies do NOT want healthy options on the market.
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    @jestdotty this has vitamin A. Hard to read label online though:

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    @jestdotty damn are you me? I've been trying to curb my usual migraine episode with vitamin A, D3 and magnesium.

    No dice just yet, but I feel as though a weighted blanket has been removed from my brain. Way less stressed out than usual too. I thought it was the magnesium but this makes me wonder if the vitamin A is the chief catalyst
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    @jestdotty oh yeah I heard about that coenzyme. I'll be grabbing some for sure. I've been able to stave off this episode by getting my neck IMS needled, but I hate that it comes to that. Same thing last year. It's very unpleasant and I always end up sobbing uncontrollably a few minutes afterwards, which can be embarrassing ofc.

    Stupid body, always keeping the score and shit
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    @spoiledgoods I genuinely feel bad for people for migraines. I have had bad headaches, but I just don't understand how bad a migraine is.
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    @Demolishun yeah, me too dawg. when I meet someone who has chronic migraines there is ALWAYS this camaraderie that immediately forms, like we both served in WW2 in different battalions or something.

    idk how I made it to 30 honestly. I joined a cluster headache support group back in like 2007 when I was just a young adolescent and most of the people I interacted with in there are now dead via suicide, assisted or otherwise. That's all modern medicine has to offer other than opioids, which usually yield a similar result
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    @jestdotty Always down to try something. You gotta be open minded with this kind of thing as you well know, plus a lot of these things bring great secondary benefits

    I would like to know what my neck muscles are holding onto. Every time I get them to TRULY release using IMS, I sob uncontrollably. Obviously I'm holding onto something huge.

    I likely have Ehlers–Danlos syndrome (hard to diagnose but I'm a prime candidate). I went thru therapy for years, every kind of snake oil you can imagine, chiros, physios, botox, etc, uncovered repressed memories, all that shit, and still. the fucking migraines.

    Almost 20 years later they're just as bad and just as debilitating. I spent my late teens and 20s getting fucked up, basically trying to kill myself indirectly with substances and now I just wanna know why. It's fine if I can't fix it, I just wanna know why it happens.

    I'll probably die mostly ignorant though
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    @spoiledgoods what I don't get is that the brain has no nerves right? So what exactly is hurting in a migraine? Just the skin and muscle of the head?
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    @jestdotty Oh yeah. They're no joke. I've had thousands of those headaches, I had one last night at 3am. It was like an 8/10 but still. I usually just pace around and alternate between pulling my hair out and pressing my own skull like a vice. A few weeks ago I was having around 7 of them per 24 hours (that includes at night of course, you think we sleeping in this bitch???)

    I dislocated my shoulder last winter and I'd take that over the headaches any damn day. At least I'd go into shock and pass out from that. Plus it kinda hurt less if I'm being honest.

    What blows my mind is how they still manage to hurt so bad even after all this time. You'd think I'd have gotten used to it somehow, or my CNS would be like "chill, there's nothing actually wrong here" but no. Takes my breath away every time.
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    @spoiledgoods so my wife gets these. Not sure how bad though. Yours sound terrible. I will be so pissed if some company has suppressed a cure to sell headache medicine. They do this by getting cures tied up in clinical trials. People are not allowed to speak about them during this time. Can be 5 to 10 years or more.

    I wonder how many people have studied them. It seems like even a partial solution would be huge QOL improvements in people.
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    @Demolishun coq10. literally they never told me coq10.

    I tried 50mg bottles and then eventually took the 250mg one. the higher doses were better

    I was pretty pissed when I found out. wasn't even looking for it.

    but my stuff is nowhere near as bad as @spoiledgoods 's. you got nothing to lose. seriously. any pharmacy will have coq10 on the shelf. go out there and buy a bottle and eat it. if it works it would be life-changing.

    when that stuff happened to me I was like "nope" and totally changed my life around. so I was never cursed by constant issues of this. and stop listening to doctors. they're literally no better than snake oil salesmen. unfortunately these days if you want to fix something you have to be your own doctor. the existing ones have perverse incentives and also their education only teaches them how to sell pharmaceuticals. and they'll gaslight you if you try to piece anything together (they're gaslit), so don't buy them saying that nonsense either. check it yourself
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    @Demolishun I don't think the lack of understanding is malicious as much as it is just a very nebulous thing, and the people actually trying to figure it out are just regular (desperate) people. Since it's not immediately life-threatening, there is little desire to research (among other reasons)
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    @jestdotty thank you, I'll be giving both a try (:

    Did you discover these things trying to deal with post-covid vaccine issues too?
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    @jestdotty would those abnormalities not have surfaced in an EEG though?
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    The brain itself is like a giant cluster of nerves.

    While it is true it has no pain receptors (the ones that register burns, bruises, and such), doesn't mean the brain can't wrongfully interpret or generate other signals that register as intense pain.

    Also, regarding vitamins, unless you are diagnosed with a certain deficit, extra vitamins can have two outcomes...

    B, C, E and other water-soluble vitamins will only make your urine very expensive, as their excess will go right down the drain.

    A, D, K and other fat-soluble ones are dangerous, as they will be stored non stop in your body fat, which can, slowly but surely, build up to a toxic shock.
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    @CoreFusionX I take just daily vitamins. Whatever the recommended is. I also take daily b vitamins because it made my carpal tunnel disappear.
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    that saying doesn't work when it involves corporations. if there's money, they're doing it
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    @darksideofyay I remember years ago thinking it doesn't cost a whole lot to kill people. Supposedly like 10K or something. Probably higher now, but in the realm of things not a lot of money. So if a person is going to hurt the business of a billionaire or trillionaire then it really would make sense as a business expense. Totally evil. Then I learned in the last 5 years this is why whistle blowers just die.
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