
Today the last Facebook Inc application is gone off my phone as I uninstalled Whatsapp finally. But the problem is, many of my customers use Whatsapp for quick comms, what do I do for this? Any suggestions? (I use Telegram but it's not much used around)

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    I've found a WhatsApp bot for telegram (github) but it says that your WhatsApp account may get banned...
  • 14
    Use Signal. The best one security and privacy wise.
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    @coffeeholic In fact I'm quite happy with Telegram, my problem is with my clientele are mostly using Whatsapp.

    But I think solution by @mngr is worth a shot.
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    I wanted to try it too, but quite all of my friends still uses WhatsApp, and I can't risk the bann

    If you try let me know if it works!
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    @mngr roger that!
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    SMS? 😅
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    @Rohr Aye, I'm using that already but sometimes people wanna send quick photos etc and MMS is still a very expensive option :)
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    @zeknoss email is not an option? :P it may does not give you the feeling of a 'realtime conversation' but works for years now ;P
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    @Rohr Of course I always prefer e-mail and I'm not quite content with my customers confusing the timezone and message me in the middle of the night. But sometimes realtime comms is a good thing ;)
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    @zeknoss I totaly agree, but in that case it sounds like a phone call might be better? in therms of 'real time conversation'
    for pictures, email and dropping just a quick message SMS

    might be a bit 2000 but this functions should be available an nearly every mobilephone out there - no matter what age, brand or os it is (this is what i am thinking about ;)
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    @Rohr Man, I'm with you on this one :D And hey, I'm the one who removed all Facebook apps from his phone but the clientele, tell this to them please...
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    @coffeeholic <-- what this guy said. I only use telegram for one person (if it wasn't for her I'd drop telegram like my fucking life depended on due to its horrible security/privacy)
    I use Signal and Riot :)
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    @linuxxx I thought security with Telegram was somewhat good, what's bad about that?
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    @zeknoss @coffeeholic look at his link and maybe at a blog post I did about telegram: https://much-security.nl (it's on the main page)
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    @linuxxx @coffeeholic boy, you gave me loads to read for the night :) thanks pals
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    @zeknoss I try to do at least one blog post every weekend :)
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    @linuxxx added your blog to my bookmarks man, looks very interesting :)
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    @zeknoss Thanks, appreciated!
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    @zeknoss Also, feel free to spread the word ;)
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    Reinstall WhatsApp
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    @wolfium Oooooor just leave that surveillance thingy off your phone 👌
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    @linuxxx ooooooorrr get another phone only for WhatsApp and fb and everything you need for work. It's what I did.
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    @wolfium @linuxxx ooooorrr throw every electronics to trash bin and go to a cave and decorate it in the most primitive way possible and live there from now on (this sounds weirdly healthier)
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    @wolfium I've got WhatsApp on my work phone as well :). It was a requirement for to get a phone from my current company as I refuse to get WhatsApp on my personal devices.
    Fb is a no-go at-all.
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    @zeknoss Or just choose what you want to use very carefully :)
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    @zeknoss oooor create an app that forwards every message to a custom app... Huh?!
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    @linuxxx btw I moved to a small sea-side town from a huge metropol and been living here happily for two years :) definitely suggest it.
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    @linuxxx I just removed fb 3 months ago and WhatsApp is soon going to be resolved by the comment I put up there earlier
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    @wolfium that idea, sir, indeed is a very wise and avant-garde notion
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    @linuxxx nice blog post btw
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    @coffeeholic Just a question: Im a bit wary about signal, as it requests ALL of its permissions up-front (in the play store). Is it confirmed to still be secure (as in: it uses them responsible) ?
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    @HeapUnderflow here is an explanation for you:

    since the latest updates they support dynamic permissions so you can disable the ones you are concerned about without crashing the app.
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    We should convince more people to use Telegram... It's the best app feature and speed wise and i don't get why it's so underrated globally...
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    The user base for WhatsApp is too big ... Unless you are in China. We are pretty much stuck with it. Try Viber ...
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    @coffeeholic Awsome, gonna switch today !
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    Hey everyone, I ended up installing Whatsapp on a spare Android device without a sim card installed. Works great so far.
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    @zeknoss told you!
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    @wolfium yupp :)
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    @andix Because although its features are great, it lacks privacy and some forms of security as well. (https://much-security.nl//...) *shamelessly pastes link to own blogpost*
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