
I’d like to understand. What is the problem with digital identity?

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    It all depends upon how any identity is used. We have hundreds of digital identities right now. One is our web footprint. If you go against political narratives you can lose your job and potentially everything you own. Take a look at China. If you say something negative about the government (and a phone hears it) they will lock you out of services. I know a guy this happened to while visiting China. He has no idea what he even said.
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    @Demolishun no, I mean, what governments are introducing right now. I saw a news about this in the UK and people being against it but I don’t understand why so far.
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    @Tounai yeah, I don't know. Is this a Europe thing?
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    @Tounai probably precursor to CBDCs

    China does a "digital identity" for its citizens and then gives them a social credit score. then those people are barred from certain aspects of the society if their score is low, or if their phones are ever found to be GPS located near people with a lower social score, etc

    there was a black mirror episode of a similar concept: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...

    there's a CBDC pilot in an asian island country, and they make anyone from outside the island pay 50% more for goods than their locals

    I forget now where, probably china, was floating the idea of expiring money -- so 30 days to spend your income or it expires. no more saving for a house or a new computer, or a new car, or just a rainy day fund in case you or your relatives get sick or are hit by a natural disaster. you can't save any of your value at all (store of value is what economists call it)

    agenda 2030 stuff
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    @jestdotty thank you! I get it now!
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    @jestdotty Actually, I am wondering, it is something different than digital IDs right?
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    they also wanted to do "carbon credits"

    and I swear I saw some kind of sci Fi movie or episode where that was quite funnily explored. God I hope it wasn't that trash compactor green agenda scifi off Netflix. think it was

    yeah it was Extrapolations s01e07: 2068: The Going Away Party

    I say "wanted" but they probably still wanna do them

    and the UK has those camera things that people in batman costumes kept taking down. nobody wants to be tracked and fined (they were fined a few hundred bucks if they took their car out on the wrong day of the week or something). shit's already all around too expensive. how about government fucks off. they don't make things better, they keep making things more totalitarian and dystopian
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    @jestdotty oh carbon credit is being experimented by some banks already as an opt-in option.
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    @jestdotty I believe if there is one place that is worst than Europe in terms of social control, it is Canada. Luckily, Europe is governed by old idiots who fail at pretty much everything.
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    Replacing the need to use physical identification is positive. Introducing collection of sensitive information where it is not necessary is negative.
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    @Tounai hmmm I don't know if Canada is worse on social control

    where I live nobody follows the law anyway. so the politicians can keep screaming about it but the people aren't listening

    also by this point we shouted Trudeau into his spiritual grave. I think an immunity has been built up

    I think as a general colder climate countries are harder to control, because the harsh winters makes people remember reality is real every year. you can't grow too comfortable or stupid in a colder climate. Trudeau was driving and leaving people without their wallets, phones, hours outside of towns. this kills people. you can't do that. people wanna go throw him into a frozen lake and see how well he likes it
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    @Tounai lmao and the other day Trudeau was like "alright, we will stop with the immigrants" 🤣

    imagine that happening in europe lol
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    I mean, it felt crazy with how everything became racist in Canada, and this was pushed by the government.

    Regarding immigration, they all serve the same speech but do nothing anyway. You are lucky in Canada though, because you don’t have the ECDH preventing any immigration control.
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    @Tounai oh yeah the left is still all that. the gender stuff is far worse actually. nobody buys the "racist" thing. Americans are very racist, and Europeans seem to be to a degree. but Canadians laugh that racist thing off cuz most of the country is fucking immigrants. I wasn't even born here. racist what? 90%+ of people I've known in my life also weren't born here. what a joke

    and now the liberals party that does all that progressive stuff is hated so monumentally they're a laughing stalk. Trudeau is supposed to report everywhere he goes and he doesn't, and yet protesters show up with "fuck Trudeau" signs and shout through megaphones, like 10-50 of them, before every damned event or random corporation or building he attends. no clue how they know where he shows up. now the guy travels with a 50 car motorcade. he's a literal disgraced joke and nobody's buying any of that nonsense. he did too much

    I guess everything is still in the law, maybe not for long
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    @Tounai canada? Dude, look at the other direction. Start with belorussia and go deeper to the east. Don't have to go far to be tracked down and questioned about your past, present and future, hearing details about your life you've long forgotten. And yes, your relatives back in EU WILL be receiving weird calls
  • 0

    So you have numbers and you have an equality function that figures out if the numbers are the same.

    So for example 1 == 1, but 1 != 2.

    Tu comprends?
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    Srsly just stop whining like its going to shit. It always had been shit and you are depressed.
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    @netikras I obviously excluded any non-democratic country in my comparison.
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    @jestdotty how do you mean he was driving and letting people outside with wallets?
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    @jestdotty they're shouting to stop with immigrants here and right wing parties did win elections of several country line Netherlands, Hungary and Germany. But they have to fight with EU about it. Some fuckers you don't know decide
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    @jestdotty I recently saw a video about a black guy talking about white people like "I don't want to be racist but...". I laughed at it, did you different world where they don't want to discriminate white people. I was like say it, I don't care AT ALL. Even forgot what he said. I tought only white people spend so much effort not to be racist. Me know Turkish hare marrocan. That's totally allowed and accepted. It's only white here that isn't allowed and worries about it to be
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    @netikras wow really? I knew people from bellarus, never talked about it with them. That sounds like NK level. I do know they are forcing nationalism by putting flags everywhere like it's a Minecraft game. Everyone knows it's a shit hole 😂
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    The carbon tax, a tax on just living. We're sooo crazy. It's the absolute endgame. Imagine if they raise that tax. They will keep adding carbon taxed things yearly. And why should that money go to the government, to do the absolute maximal for the tiniest change in climate ever? We're get fucked, hard and deep. We're so used to all the weird tax, especially the height of It, that we every step is like meh, oh well. It can't keep going on like this
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    @retoor there's already a tax on living darling it's called VAT.

    Taxation sucks compared to direct consequences. I wish it was allowed to shoot at people who pollute my air ahah
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    @retoor i had a visitor from belarus. She taught me that when the president started to like ice hockey the whole country had to start playing lmao
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    @antigermgerm hope he doesn't start liking drugs
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    @retoor fun fact but every politician do drugs, it's part of their job.
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    @retoor yes, really. A while back an acquaintant of mine in LT was expecting a guest from BY. Hours before that guest even reached the BY border, the host received a phone call from the BY goverment with questions about the guest to be and his purpose of visit and further plans.

    A wrong answer could have meant a big fat NO at the border and a cancelled visit. Or worse.

    This is a true story from my close circles.
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    @netikras why did they do that? What are they affraid of? BY is Belarus somehow? How did they know where the guy is?
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    So I saw a meme that really hit home.

    Dude1: We have a new law to introduce.

    Dude2: What does it do?

    Dude1: It allows the government to...

    Dude2: No.
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    @retoor and they wanted to confiscate the donation money and take the bank account balances but neither could be done

    fucker's clearly evil

    they also didn't freeze the protester's bank accounts. they did revoke the licenses of the truck driver's because fuck you (or they tried? idk if it worked), then they could try to tow them away for "unregistered license"

    there was an unhinged guy on twitch bragging how he had hacked the donations to these protesters and leaked all the doxxed info. the guy bragged how he doesn't care to break the law and went nuts saying "come after me!" and daring the gov to do anything about it, and then laughed crazily how they won't. fucking drunk with power

    our Canadian government used that hacked info to contact banks and ask for accounts of those on that list to be frozen. this also froze joint accounts so if you shared an account then your family couldn't eat either

    the organizer who got arrested, after years, was ruled in court to have broken no laws
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    @jestdotty yep, it showed all that would have been nazi sympathizers. If you supported government tyranny you are part of the problem. Supporting suppression of speech and protest is the evil side of history.

    Its like the idiots that thought J6 was an insurrection. The most densely armed civil population in the world did an insurrection without guns. How does that make sense? You can trace almost all illegal activity that day to FBI plants, antifa plants, and inciting people to commit crimes by the FBI. The more I learn about the FBI, the more I believe its entire history has been to quell dissent.
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    @Demolishun well funny you mention that

    Trudeau actually invited a former SS special forces Nazi soldier, that was part of Hitler's special squad, to get honored in our parlement, during one of zelensky's visits. and they did end up admitting that the guy was a Nazi and apologizing for it. idk how that is gonna fly with America's narrative that Russia is just "making up" that Ukraine is filled with Nazis

    in some ways you have to be thankful for Trudeau being such a wet blanket. he seems to be too stupid to follow the cardinal rule of a politician; which is keep saying you're right even when you're caught red-handed and pressured. thanks spineless man!


    yeah those COVID protests was like our j6 actually. Trudeau invoked "emergencies act", which was only invoked once before to deal with yellow jacket protesters who were actually violent. they tried to say it was an insurrection but that sounded so ridiculous it never stuck up here

    and we don't have that FBI shit, thankfully
  • 1
    @jestdotty I remember and followed that situation. That bank account freezing was very sick. Also, gofundme did donate it to some other charity. Mother fuckers, but better than government. But I imagine they spent it on smth very woke bottemless pit instead of individuals who could really needed and site made for. Do you know where the donations went?

    That hacker is a huge traitor. There was a hacker once that leaked photos + addresses of cops of several states because police was agressive on protests. I don't know what to think about that. People always say "I'm just doing my job". Yeah, your job is so ethical that you need to hide where you live. It's purely to not take responsibility.

    I have medical help I don't want but everyone is just "doing their job". Nobody to complain to. Nobody takes responsibility. The judge ordered it on base of advise from <company>. The person of company does that in name of <company>. It's impossible to find out who forced this on me
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    > The more I learn about the FBI, the more I believe its entire history has been to quell dissent.

    Ya think?
  • 1

    > The most densely armed civil population in the world did an insurrection without guns. How does that make sense?

    Exactly, what a bunch of pussies lmao nobody cares about little pew pew guns.

    Everybody knows bombs are the true weapon of the people. It's how we got the first of may as a bank holiday!
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    similarly never trust hackers. their words are hacks themselves. social engineering is far more powerful than exploits

    most hackers don't speak honestly, they don't even know what that would mean. but they're still honest with their emotions and actions, because those actions take effort, so you can still read them

    and the system balances itself based on emotions to power effort and IQ / merit to do the deed. so it's actually very pretty

    but government agencies trying to own hackers like personal sports teams is lame. perverts the legal system. shouldn't have been done. hackers are kind of like reporters / journalists in a lot of ways. they can see all your crimes, and they can judge you. states don't like that
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    @Demolishun real resistance is done with bombs, not guns. They were in the white house, they could have blown it up but them weak ass bitches did nothing but get arrested and ridiculed by the media.
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    @Demolishun also real antifascists are just people who hide aliens. Nothing more but a bunch of hippies lmao the whole paranoia was fucking crazy.

    At least in the 60ies you guys had the weather underground.
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    @jestdotty I mean that dozing can be good in some cases so people take responsibility. It depends much who is doxed and why. People who do bad things and just say "I'm just doing my job" should be doxed in some cases. Hiding behind your job often is weak, you are a bad person if you do unethical things during the job
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    @jestdotty gofundme really wanted to do it. Most fair but a lot of work would be refund indeed. Kinda obvious.

    Gofundme, I wish I invented that. It's ethical and I think they make A LOT. They ask 2% of every donation optionally? Free is possible. Imagine how much people being nice enough to donate would also pay that two percent.

    @chatgpt what is the profit of gofundme?
  • 0
    I'm not sure about the specific profit numbers for Gofundme, but they do make money by taking a small percentage of each donation as a processing fee. They also offer optional tips from donors to help cover their operating costs. Overall, Gofundme has been successful in raising funds for a wide range of causes and campaigns.
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    @jestdotty I actually knew a kinda neo nazi from Ukraine. Thing is, they had it so bad thanks to uSSR that Germans were kinda saviors when they came. So yeah, Ukrainians are nazi fans in someway. They're not nazi's, they're just kind of grateful of it since the situation in their country
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    @jestdotty Gofundme: 100 million revenue a month. In worst case scenario 10% clicks on two percent button. That's 200.000 at least to keep the site running per month. But in reality it's way more I think, 50% making it 1.000.000 per month? Yes - that's much for just hosting a relatively easy product. I also donated a lot there
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    @retoor they were peasants. Revolutions happens in cities where bourgeois (city people - bosses) and industrial workers lives. In the field, people are still under feudality. Thus the holodomor or the genocide of the vendeens.

    But also the CIA infiltrated proper nazis in the state to annoy moscow. That's' fact, they did it in western europe as well.


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    @jestdotty gofundme cancelled donations to someone for being racist somewhere. Wtf, who is gofundme to judge. Even if he raped someone, they're not the fucking law. It was about 3.000.000. A former raper would've probably be fine in their eyes. How became racism the top crime
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    @jestdotty yeah, the definition of a nazi is different if said by different people. You do need to build some neurological computer thingy. You wanted to make own llm / AI right? Can't wait until you start on it
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    @jestdotty you've really build six versions? How far did you get? Javascript is great prototype language, it's probably not that much of issue to rewrite it in Rust if it works correctly.

    I've should've prototyped my database synchronization in python. That would've cost less time than figuring out stuff using C. Every protocol change is a full not informative crash in C. Costed me some time and efford. With python this was done in no time
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    @retoor yes, BY is Belarus.

    Idk why, how and other details.

    What concerns me the most, how did they found out who they are going to, and the personal phone number of the host to be in EU.

    The only thought crossing my mind is... Constant telecom surveilance. Like you read in book and see in movies about ssrs and ss occupations
  • 1
    Easy. Define identity first.
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