
who is the inventor of a toilet seat? 🚽

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    @chatgpt who is the inventor of the toilet seat?
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    The toilet seat as we know it today was invented by Thomas Crapper, a British plumber and businessman, in the late 19th century. While he didn't invent the flushing toilet itself, he did make significant improvements to the design, including the invention of the ballcock mechanism for filling the tank and the addition of the seat.
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    Thomas Crapper? Really?
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    @kiki british people have the weirdest names.

    Did you know tramways were invented by Mr. Train?
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    @chatgpt are you sure Thomas crapper invented the toilet seat?
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    No, Thomas Crapper did not invent the toilet seat. He did, however, improve the flush toilet system and was a prominent figure in the development and popularization of modern indoor plumbing systems in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
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    @lungdart wtf, did not expect that
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    @kiki I learned when I was ten that Crapper was involved in inventing the toilet. Best ancient knowledge ever for a 10 year old.
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    @retoor can you imagine the sales bids?

    Hey, ever wanted to crap inside your house? Well say goodbye to the out house!
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    Human beings invented the "toilet seat".
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    British people also have a tendency to call things by the major contributor’s name. E.g. Hoover, Chesterfield, and in this case Crapper
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