does kinda failing oop exam make you a bad programmer?

  • 13
    I always like to say to myself that being a bad/good programmer is about never stop learning. If someone passes that OOP exam and has the best graduation ever, but stops right there not willing to study a new language/algorithm/framework ever again s/he is certainly not a good programmer.
  • 18
    You can pass every exam with an A+ but it doesn't mean shit if you're a shit programmer.
  • 15
    Define a bad programmer. We all have to learn stuff. It took me personally about three years before finally understanding OOP (don't want to program in any other way now) but I could write very nice procedural stuff back then!

    So: no, failing an OOP exam definitely doesn't make you a bad programmer, it just makes you someone who doesn't get something yet and the time will come when you're like '.....Ohhhhhh!' ;)
  • 5
    Fail is a step to become a master.
  • 2
    Sometimes those patterns just don't fit the way you think about this things. A special way of thinking can be a gift and maybe you just have to look for other patterns (eg. FP). Your future teammates will surely appreciate a different view on problems.
  • 2
    Not really. Some people prefer to code object oriented and some declarative and some functional. Just use the style you prefer if your language does support it.
  • 6
    Real world problems are a lot different from what an exam throws at you.
  • 1
    Someone told me: if you have time to score A in all your exams at uni, it means that you are doing something wrong in your life ;). I have oop exam in 2 weeks but I am not really stressed. I already work as a programmer and I see that my grades don't really reflect my knowledge in practice. Of course, you need to understand principles but memorising useless stuff for exam is pointless.
  • 0
    If anything, failing exams shows that you are a good programmer
  • 2
    I put the minimum effort into uni work, just enough to be good. All my effort really goes into personal projects. I designed my projects to help me get where the want to be. Uni don't teach shit
  • 1
    Exams don't mean anything.
  • 0
    Welcome to web development😛😛
  • 2
    @ssp4all yeah, because we all know that object-orientation is only used in webdev
  • 0
  • 0
    @Krokoklemme s/he probably meant that because @no-one uses OOP in webdev and s/he failed OOP exam so that would be the optimal field for him/her.
  • 2
    @romangraef ye, sorry again, but in what world is OOP *not* used for web-development?
  • 0
    @user4592357 In the professional world, if you make a bad program, often times you HAVE to fix it. Tell your teacher a retake is just part of the support plan.
  • 1
    @gorsamp OOP or any other programming paradigm doesn't mean that there wouldn't be bugs to fix.
  • 0
    @Krokoklemme a joke may be inaccurate to a certain extent.
  • 0
    @emyu10 are you saying I am wrong, are you agreeing with me, I am not sure why you tagged me
  • 1
    @gorsamp actually I didn't read your comment. Sorry about that.
  • 0
    @linuxxx thanks, what did you use to help you (e.g. book, website)?
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