
So this just happened and I am mystified as to how. When I talk on the phone with my cell phone in my left pant pocket I get a sensation of being poked with a hot pin in my leg about 1 to 2 inches above the phone. It almost feels like the sensation of a bee sting. It happened the other day as well. I did not have this sensation with my 4G phone I just retired. My new phone is 5G. Its the most random thing and I would not have believed it. So I search a bit and some dude has been experiencing some weird phone related pain for like 20 years. Of course, none of the replies are constructive. Just assholes poking fun at someone who is trying to understand what they are experiencing.

I checked all of my clothing and there is nothing like a pin or anything stuck in my clothes. The temperature outside is about 32 degrees. So nothing actually stung me. I am going to be pissed if its actually my phone. Going to try putting it in another pocket to see what happens. My hope is its my clothing pulling on a damn hair or something. But it didn't do this at all when walking around the building without my phone. Just when I walked outside.

I can still feel the pain lingering in my leg with my phone on the desk. I checked and the spot where I scratched at it is red. Just another weird thing to deal with I guess.

I always thought electrosensitives were nutjobs. Now I am not so sure.

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    Dunno if it the same case, but it also happens to me with my wallet or keys sometimes.

    From what I understand of anatomy, it doesn't need to be a pointy object (or at least not a needle-like object).

    It just so happens that while you walk your gait makes it so the object repeatedly strikes the same point on your skin, and therefore the brain interprets it as something poking a needle there.

    It doesn't happen when you change pockets because gait isn't symmetrical.

    Also, the pain sensation even when the phone is on the desk and you are sitting is likely to be psychosomatic, just like phantom limb pain.

    Of course, take this with multiple grains of salt since it's only an (educated) guess from me and my physiotherapist, doctor, and psychiatrist cousins.

    A sample size of a few isn't at all representative.
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    @CoreFusionX sounds like switching pockets would help to unravel this though.
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    @CoreFusionX old phone and new phone are nearly identical in size I think. The old one might have been slightly wider to accommodate a stylus.
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    well roomie had old speakers. about a second before anyone's phone would ring the speakers would buzz, then stop buzzing when the ring would happen

    so I'd guess it's that but your bones are the resonator or whatever
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    I had that, i stopped Putting ny phone in the pocket for a while and it went away. I also often had keys with my Phone in the same pocket so maybe that was a factor, im not doing that anymore now cause it scratched my screen once. Thus was like a decade ago or so
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    It’s just the 5G over-the-air monkey pox vaccine updates
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    @Root Well, that escalated quickly. lol
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    @Demolishun Check that your battery isn't running hot, I had a windows 10 phone that would run hot with whatever the apps were doing in the background, I think it was a facebook app. But the heat from a battery would give a sharp pain, also if there is any bare metal like a screw exposed you might get a small static discharge with the friction from your clothes.
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    So I was scraping car this morning. My physical exertion was standing on my toes. Phone was in the same place as usual. Started stinging in my pocket. My movement was completely different from walking. So I got in the car and put the phone in front of my wallet (was behind against leg). Drove to work. Felt fine. Then went back to car and it started stinging again. Phone was not against leg. Same spot on leg.

    Maybe i need to change pockets to let leg feel better. Didn't hurt at all last night.
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