
Man, I hate project managers who demand a near 100% SLA, but want the project to run off of a single physical server. Like. Sure, buddy, and when a stick of ram dies, or there's a 10.0 CVE released of the kernel, then how do we keep the machine running.

Some people, ugh

  • 1
    Kick their asses.
  • 3
    Tell this manager to negotiate with the server directly!
  • 7
    Or the cleaning lady rips out the power cable... True story..
  • 2
    demand > want


  • 2
    Rather one beefy server than multiple smaller once. Vertical scaling FTW. Horizontal is for plebs. Banks also just have a heavy main frame not hundreds small vps instances. Beefy machines we want.

    I stopped worry about such decisions long ago. Just be sure to be paid well for when it goes wrong. That's all. Be aware it's just a machine, not your leg or smth. I made the mistakes when younger to threat it like that. Nobody dies if it goes down. Some money flies away, there's probably more of that than your mental health to worry about it.
  • 1
    "I can't give you 3 9s, but I can give you 5 8s." - you probably
  • 1
    @lungdart less than one day a week downtime, that's pretty OK.
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