
I fucked up big time and I think I'm having a panic attack.

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    don't be a pussy about it, we all fuck up

    take a deep breath and user your super power (brain) and get yourself outta that mess
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    Time to flee to North macedonia. Nobody will find you there.
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    So, what have you done?
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    I bet it's not as big as you think.
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    @lungdart that’s what she said
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    finally killed that limping PROD server? It was long overdue anyway...
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    Fucking tried to reinstall Crystal Reports and it killed the entire CRM at a customer's.
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    @Ranchonyx time to sue Crystal Reports (whatever that is)!
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    @Lensflare It's an SAP Product to generate a variety of graphical and PDF reports from a variety of data.

    I fucking hate SAP. Everyone I know hates SAP.
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    @Ranchonyx I hate SAP, too!
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    You can always make things worse. Give it a try.
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    @Ranchonyx I was in a similar situation when I tried to make planned a change in Liferay's database tables (PROD). It killed the whole Liferay's entity mapping. I had to restore its tables (thanks to Oracle's Flashback) to make it work again, otherwise it was showing but stock Liferay webpage.

    That project was scheduled for an audit by a national bank the next day. I had to improvise. A good lad sysadmin (client-side) helped me out as long as he could, but he had to go to sleep some time too. So I asked him to try the last thing and I promised it will be the last thing I ask him that day. I wasn't sure if it would work.

    It worked.

    I slept unlike any baby that night.

    So you're not alone making such fuckups :) Shit happens.

    Worst case, you have backups. You DO have backups, right?

    If you have oracle -- you DO have flashback enabled, right? If you do -- don't wait until it expires, restore all you can while you can into shadow tables.
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    @retoor reminds me of MS' school of UX design:

    Only show confirmation dialogs where it‘s annoying, not where it‘s necessary.
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    @Lensflare did you know in anciant greece, small penises were actually recognized as a sign of strength and virile power?
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    @antigermanist I didn’t. Interesting!
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    Any product demo showing SAP working in a satisfactory manner is clearly fraud.

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    The database turned out fine. It's safe and we've managed to restore everything and get the CRM server running again. I need cheap whisky now.
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    @Ranchonyx hell yeah buddy, that’s the spirit! 😀 good job!
    We should definitely make an SAP hating clubb…
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