
Is there anything more demoralizing and cringe than the All Hands Meeting?

  • 3
    Especially when they bring in efficiency experts.
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    Ewww, I've never been in one (I think?). Even when I haven't, this sounds like the BIGGEST WASTE OF TIME.

    Let workers do what they do FFS. What the fuck do you hire managers for, anyway?
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    @SidTheITGuy when the whole company gets together to train, inform, or talk policy.
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    All our meetings are all hands meeting.

    I just do something else while they speak about details I dont care about
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    The all handjob meeting.
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    @antigermanist dude, I gotta drink fortify two-handed potions just to pee.
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    @Demolishun ah the prostate. Wouldn't happen to me im an anarchist
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    @antigermanist two handed because my dick requires two hands.
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    I've been to a corporate-mandated "all feet dance".
    Shit, I thought I had suppressed that memory. Luckily, whiskey is here to help me send it back to tartarus.
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    We once had a guy play a guitar and sing a song he wrote about the company at the beginning of AH. It was way more cringe than usual. He actually thought someone would give a shit.
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